TO1 - tankur áfyllingar-dælur diskur

MTC TO1 150 4040V 01 300x300 1 - TO1 - áfyllingartankur fyrir tanka

TO1 - Tanksfyllingartankur (Samsett neðri inntakstengi) er aukandi aukabúnaður í CCT-M mát sívalnings-keilulaga tanka. Þessi mátun inniheldur tvö rör með hálsi TriClamp DN25-DN50 í samræmi við rúmmál tanksins sem er soðið á diskinn, festur á botni snittari hálsins Grunntankur:

  • Vörurör - er ætluð til að fylla og tæma tankinn með hreinni vöru sem dregin er yfir yfirborið á gerinu inni í tankinum. Hægt er að stilla pípulengdina eftir stigi gers í tankinum. Við framleiðum TO11 mátun í tveimur afbrigðum - búin með festu eða breytilegri vörupípu.
  • Frárennslisrör - þessi rör er soðin í botn TO1 festingarinnar, er notuð til að tæma allt innihald geymisins (seyru) eða til að tæma notaða gerið frá botninum á tankinum til frekari notkunar.

Mátun TO1 er fest á grunntank í botninum á snittari tenginu Dairy Coupler DN125 - DN150. Að auki getum við afhent grunntankinn og TO1 búnaðinn búinn TriClamp DN125, DN150 eða DN200.

Fyllingardælur með botni í tanki með festa eða breytilega vöru pípa

Þú getur valið á milli tveggja gerða TO1 botnfyllingar-dælur diskur: með innréttingar- / útgangspípu (ekki hluti) eða með breytilegum drykkjarinntaki / framleiðsluloka (segmented).

CCTM TO1 B1 300x300 - TO1 - skriðdreka fyrir áfyllingu skriðdrekaMTC TO1 150 4040F 02 300x300 1 - TO1 - tankfyllingartöflurMTC TO1 150 4040V 02 300x300 - TO1 - áfyllingartankur fyrir tanka

Festa botnfyllingardráttarplötu TO1FIX - pípan til að fylla og tæma hreina vöru hefur festilengd. Viðskiptavinur getur sérsniðið lengd pípunnar (til að skera styttri) eftir þörfum, í samræmi við áætlað hæð gerstigs í tankinum. Venjulegur aukabúnaður af A1, A2, A3, B1 settum. Valfrjáls aukabúnaður af B2 setti.

Variable botnfylling-dælur diskur TO1VAR - pípan til fyllingar og frárennslis á hreinni vöru hefur breytilega lengd vegna þess að hún er sundurskipt. Viðskiptavinur getur sérsniðið lengd pípunnar án þess að skera aðeins með því að bæta hlutum við diskinn, í samræmi við raunverulegan gerstig í tankinum. Venjulegur aukahlutur af B2 setti. Valfrjáls aukabúnaður af A1, A2, A3, B1 settum.

Með því að velja fjölda hluta vörunnar geta pípur nýtt hámarksafkastagetu vörunnar miðað við núverandi magn af geri í tankinum. Þetta dregur úr tjóni drykkja sem eiga sér stað í öðrum skriðdreka með hefðbundnum hugtökum (vegna þess að aldrei er hægt að fá drykk undir hálsi í efri vörunni).


Tilboð á TO1 fyllingunni - tæmandi diskar:

  • MTS-TO1-2DN25TCV Inntak-úttak botnfesting 2x DN25 TC breytilegMTS-TO1-2DN25TCV Inntak-úttak botnfesting 2x DN25 TC breytileg
    MTS-TO1-2DN25TCV is the integrated product output-input fitting that is placed in bottom of the cylindrical-conical tank (fermenter). The fitting includes two pipes with the TriClamp connections DIN 32676  ⌀50.5mm DN 25 / NW 25. The product output-input pipe is segmented for easy setting height according to yeast level in the tank. Easy removable and sanititable system designed for MTS Modular Tank System. The fitting is usable for the most of beer fermenters that are equipped with the DIN 11851 threat DN 125 in the cone bottom. Lestu meira "
  • MTS-TO1-2DN32TCV Inntak-úttak botnfesting 2x DN32 TC breytilegMTS-TO1-2DN32TCV Inntak-úttak botnfesting 2x DN32 TC breytileg
    MTS-TO1-2DN32TCV is the integrated product output-input fitting that is placed in bottom of the cylindrical-conical tank (fermenter). The fitting includes two pipes with the TriClamp connections DIN 32676  ⌀50.5mm DN 32 / NW 32. The product output-input pipe is segmented for easy setting height according to yeast level in the tank. Easy removable and sanititable system designed for MTS Modular Tank System. The fitting is usable for the most of beer fermenters that are equipped with the DIN 11851 threat DN 125 in the cone bottom. Lestu meira "
  • MTS-TO1-2DN40TCV Inntak-úttak botnfesting 2x DN40 TC breytilegMTS-TO1-2DN40TCV Inntak-úttak botnfesting 2x DN40 TC breytileg
    MTS-TO1-2DN40TCV is the integrated product output-input fitting that is placed in bottom of the cylindrical-conical tank (fermenter). The fitting includes two pipes with the TriClamp connections DIN 32676  ⌀50.5mm DN 40 / NW 40. The product output-input pipe is segmented for easy setting height according to yeast level in the tank. Easy removable and sanititable system designed for MTS Modular Tank System. The fitting is usable for the most of beer fermenters that are equipped with the DIN 11851 threat DN 150 in the cone bottom. Lestu meira "
  • MTS-TO1-2DN50TCV Inntak-úttak botnfesting 2x DN50 TC breytilegMTS-TO1-2DN50TCV Inntak-úttak botnfesting 2x DN50 TC breytileg
    MTS-TO1-2DN50TCV is the integrated product output-input fitting that is placed in bottom of the cylindrical-conical tank (fermenter). The fitting includes two pipes with the TriClamp connections DIN 32676  ⌀64mm DN 50 / NW 50. The product output-input pipe is segmented for easy setting height according to yeast level in the tank. Easy removable and sanititable system designed for MTS Modular Tank System. The fitting is usable for the most of beer fermenters that are equipped with the DIN 11851 threat DN 150 in the cone bottom. Lestu meira "
  • MTS-TO1-2DN25TCF inntakstengi botnlokandi 2x DN25 TC fasturMTS-TO1-2DN25TCF inntakstengi botnlokandi 2x DN25 TC fastur
    MTS-TO1-2DN25TCF is the integrated product output-input fitting that is placed in bottom of the cylindrical-conical tank (fermenter). The fitting includes two pipes with the TriClamp connections DIN 32676  ⌀50.5mm DN 25 / NW 25. The product output-input pipe with the fix length may be cutted (shorted) by customer according to required yeast level in the tank. Easy removable and sanititable system designed for MTS Modular Tank System. The fitting is usable for the most of beer fermenters that are equipped with the DIN 11851 threat DN 125 in the cone bottom. Lestu meira "
  • MTS-TO1-2DN32TCF inntakstengi botnlokandi 2x DN32 TC fasturMTS-TO1-2DN32TCF inntakstengi botnlokandi 2x DN32 TC fastur
    MTS-TO1-2DN32TCF is the integrated product output-input fitting that is placed in bottom of the cylindrical-conical tank (fermenter). The fitting includes two pipes with the TriClamp connections DIN 32676  ⌀50.5mm DN 32 / NW 32. The product output-input pipe with the fix length may be cutted (shorted) by customer according to required yeast level in the tank. Easy removable and sanititable system designed for MTS Modular Tank System. The fitting is usable for the most of beer fermenters that are equipped with the DIN 11851 threat DN 125 in the cone bottom. Lestu meira "
  • MTS-TO1-2DN40TCF inntakstengi botnlokandi 2x DN40 TC fasturMTS-TO1-2DN40TCF inntakstengi botnlokandi 2x DN40 TC fastur
    MTS-TO1-2DN40TCF is the integrated product output-input fitting that is placed in bottom of the cylindrical-conical tank (fermenter). The fitting includes two pipes with the TriClamp connections DIN 32676  ⌀50.5mm DN 40 / NW 40. The product output-input pipe with the fix length may be cutted (shorted) by customer according to required yeast level in the tank. Easy removable and sanititable system designed for MTS Modular Tank System. The fitting is usable for the most of beer fermenters that are equipped with the DIN 11851 threat DN 150 in the cone bottom. Lestu meira "
  • MTS-TO1-2DN50TCF inntakstengi botnlokandi 2x DN50 TC fasturMTS-TO1-2DN50TCF inntakstengi botnlokandi 2x DN50 TC fastur
    MTS-TO1-2DN50TCF is the integrated product output-input fitting that is placed in bottom of the cylindrical-conical tank (fermenter). The fitting includes two pipes with the TriClamp connections DIN 32676  ⌀64mm DN 50 / NW 50. The product output-input pipe with the fix length may be cutted (shorted) by customer according to required yeast level in the tank. Easy removable and sanititable system designed for MTS Modular Tank System. The fitting is usable for the most of beer fermenters that are equipped with the DIN 11851 threat DN 150 in the cone bottom. Lestu meira "
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