CFS CC1Z Central-skápur 1-svæði

Heill gerjunar setur CFS CC1Z: Central-skápur 1-svæði

The CFS CC1Z heill gerjun setur Eru fyrirframstilltar setur sem innihalda allt sem nauðsynlegt er til gerjunar, þroskunar og geymslu bjór, eplasafi, vín eða svipuð áfengi. Þeir eru búnir með nokkrum klassískum Sívalur-keilulaga skriðdreka, Einn Samningur fljótandi kælir og Miðlægur skápur hitastig mælingar og reglugerðarkerfi með aðskildum stafrænum eftirlitsstofnanna fyrir hverja tank. Allar stafrænar hitastýringar eru settir í aðalskápinn á veggnum.

Central skáp stýringarkerfi + Einfalt kælikerfi (eða tvö háð tengd svæði) á hverjum geymi.


Dæmi sett CFS CC1Z: CFSCC1-10xCCT1000C Heill bjór gerjun sett með 10x CCT-1000C, aðal skáp stjórna

Heill bjór gerjun sett. Þetta sett inniheldur öll búnað sem nauðsynleg er til faglegra framleiðslu á bjór með því að nota gerjun og þroskaferlinu úr þvagi sem framleitt er áður af Brewhouse. Þetta sett er einnig hannað til framleiðslu á eplasafi úr ávöxtum eða kolsýrtum vínum.



Samsetning setisins er mjög auðvelt. Uppsetningin krefst ekki fagfólks - það er aðeins þörf á fullnægjandi meðhöndlunartæki til að flytja og setja upp stórar ílát (Sívalur-keilulaga gerjunartæki) Á stað eftir að sett hefur verið af. Allar vír, hitastigsmælingar og stjórnbúnaður (að undanskildum aðalstýriskáp og kælir) starfa með öryggisspennu 24V, því hægt er að setja þær upp af viðskiptavinum með uppsetningarhandbókinni. Þess vegna er verð á settinu ekki innifalið uppsetningu vinnu.

The CFSCC1-10xCCT1000C heill gerjunarsett Felur í sér:

  1. Sívallaga-keilulaga skriðdreka Classic CCT-1000 / 1170 L (einangrað 2-jakka) × 10stk
  2. Samþjöppunarvatnshitari 10.7 kW
  3. Tankur flæða vörn Kit fyrir kælir
  4. Central skáp hitastýringarkerfi fyrir 10 svæði
  5. Aðal samningur margvíslegur samsettur samsettur 3/4 ″ með manometer til að tengja CWC við 5x 1/2 ″ greinar
  6. Samningur margnota samstæðu sett 1/2 ″ til að tengja CWC við 2 kælisvæði × 5stk
  7. Plastslöngu fyrir vatn / glýkól 19-24mm × 30 metrar
  8. Plastslöngu fyrir vatn / glýkól 12-17mm × 70 metrar
  9. Slöngulaga 25-37mm × 30 metrar
  10. Slöngulaga 18-30mm × 70 metrar
  11. Kúluloki fyrir vatn / glýkól M1 / ​​2 ″ -H1 / 2 ″ × 40stk
  12. Slönguklemma 20-32mm fyrir slöngu 3/4 ″ × 4stk
  13. Slönguklemma 12-22mm fyrir slöngu 1/2 ″ × 40stk
  14. Tengibúnaður fyrir pípur 2xG1 / 2 ″ F × 30stk
  15. Samsetning handbók til að auðvelda uppsetningu án áhættumanna



I. Heill gerjunar setur með einköldu svæði CC-skriðdreka 500 lítra, ein glýkólskælir og miðlægur skápstýringarkerfi:

  • CFSCC1-2xCCT500C Fullbúið sett fyrir gerjun bjórs með 2x CCT-500C, miðstýringaskápCFSCC1-2xCCT500C Fullbúið sett fyrir gerjun bjórs með 2x CCT-500C, miðstýringaskáp
    Complete set for the fermentation and maturation of beer. This set  includes all equipment necessary for professional production of beer using the fermentation and maturation of wort produced before by the brewhouse. This set is also designed for production of cider from fruit or carbonized wine. Assembling of the set is very easy. The installation does not require any professional workers - there is needed only adequate handling equipment for moving and installation of heavy cylindrical-conical fermenters on place after delivering of the set.  All wires, temperature measuring and regulation equipment (exclude covered central control cabinet and cooler) operate with safety voltage 24V, therefore… Lestu meira "
  • CFSCC1-4xCCT500C Fullbúið sett fyrir gerjun bjórs með 4x CCT-500C, miðstýringaskápCFSCC1-4xCCT500C Fullbúið sett fyrir gerjun bjórs með 4x CCT-500C, miðstýringaskáp
    Complete set for the fermentation and maturation of beer. This set  includes all equipment necessary for professional production of beer using the fermentation and maturation of wort produced before by the brewhouse. This set is also designed for production of cider from fruit or carbonized wine. Assembling of the set is very easy. The installation does not require any professional workers - there is needed only adequate handling equipment for moving and installation of heavy cylindrical-conical fermenters on place after delivering of the set.  All wires, temperature measuring and regulation equipment (exclude covered central control cabinet and cooler) operate with safety voltage 24V, therefore… Lestu meira "
  • CFSCC1-6xCCT500C Fullbúið sett fyrir gerjun bjórs með 6x CCT-500C, miðstýringaskápCFSCC1-6xCCT500C Fullbúið sett fyrir gerjun bjórs með 6x CCT-500C, miðstýringaskáp
    Complete set for the fermentation and maturation of beer. This set  includes all equipment necessary for professional production of beer using the fermentation and maturation of wort produced before by the brewhouse. This set is also designed for production of cider from fruit or carbonized wine. Assembling of the set is very easy. The installation does not require any professional workers - there is needed only adequate handling equipment for moving and installation of heavy cylindrical-conical fermenters on place after delivering of the set.  All wires, temperature measuring and regulation equipment (exclude covered central control cabinet and cooler) operate with safety voltage 24V, therefore… Lestu meira "
  • CFSCC1-8xCCT500C Fullbúið sett fyrir gerjun bjórs með 8x CCT-500C, miðstýringaskápCFSCC1-8xCCT500C Fullbúið sett fyrir gerjun bjórs með 8x CCT-500C, miðstýringaskáp
    Complete set for the fermentation and maturation of beer. This set  includes all equipment necessary for professional production of beer using the fermentation and maturation of wort produced before by the brewhouse. This set is also designed for production of cider from fruit or carbonized wine. Assembling of the set is very easy. The installation does not require any professional workers - there is needed only adequate handling equipment for moving and installation of heavy cylindrical-conical fermenters on place after delivering of the set.  All wires, temperature measuring and regulation equipment (exclude covered central control cabinet and cooler) operate with safety voltage 24V, therefore… Lestu meira "
  • CFSCC1-10xCCT500C Fullbúið sett fyrir gerjun bjórs með 10x CCT-500C, miðstýringaskápCFSCC1-10xCCT500C Fullbúið sett fyrir gerjun bjórs með 10x CCT-500C, miðstýringaskáp
    Complete set for the fermentation and maturation of beer. This set  includes all equipment necessary for professional production of beer using the fermentation and maturation of wort produced before by the brewhouse. This set is also designed for production of cider from fruit or carbonized wine. Assembling of the set is very easy. The installation does not require any professional workers - there is needed only adequate handling equipment for moving and installation of heavy cylindrical-conical fermenters on place after delivering of the set.  All wires, temperature measuring and regulation equipment (exclude covered central control cabinet and cooler) operate with safety voltage 24V, therefore… Lestu meira "
  • CFSCC1-10xBTS-CUST Heill tankur sett 7x CCT-500C, 2x MBTVI-500C, 1x YSTP-4, miðstöðvarskápurCFSCC1-10xBTS-CUST Heill tankur sett 7x CCT-500C, 2x MBTVI-500C, 1x YSTP-4, miðstöðvarskápur
    Complete set which includes tanks for the fermentation and maturation of beer, yeast storage and the temperature measuring and cooling system.  This set  includes all equipment necessary for professional production of beer using the fermentation and maturation of wort produced before in the the brew wort machine. Assembling of the set is very easy. The installation does not require any professional workers - there is needed only adequate handling equipment for moving and installation of heavy cylindrical-conical fermenters on place after delivering of the set.  All wires, temperature measuring and regulation equipment (exclude covered central control cabinet and cooler) operate with safety voltage 24V,… Lestu meira "
  • CFSCC1-10xBTS-CUSTCAM1 Heill tankur sett 4x CCT-500C, 2x MBTVI-500C, 1x YSTP-4, 3x varasjóður með miðlægum skápskápCFSCC1-10xBTS-CUSTCAM1 Heill tankur sett 4x CCT-500C, 2x MBTVI-500C, 1x YSTP-4, 3x varasjóður með miðlægum skápskáp
    Complete set which includes tanks for the fermentation and maturation of beer, yeast storage and the temperature measuring and cooling system.  This set  includes all equipment necessary for professional production of beer using the fermentation and maturation of wort produced before in the the brew wort machine. Assembling of the set is very easy. The installation does not require any professional workers - there is needed only adequate handling equipment for moving and installation of heavy cylindrical-conical fermenters on place after delivering of the set.  All wires, temperature measuring and regulation equipment (exclude covered central control cabinet and cooler) operate with safety voltage 24V,… Lestu meira "
WordPress RSS Feed Retriever eftir Þema Mason

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II. Heill gerjunar setur með einköldu svæði CC-skriðdreka 1000 lítrar, einn glýkólkælir og miðlægur skápstýringarkerfi:

  • CFSCC1-2xCCT1000C Fullbúið sett fyrir gerjun bjórs með 2x CCT-1000C, miðstýringaskápCFSCC1-2xCCT1000C Fullbúið sett fyrir gerjun bjórs með 2x CCT-1000C, miðstýringaskáp
    Complete set for the fermentation and maturation of beer. This set  includes all equipment necessary for professional production of beer using the fermentation and maturation of wort produced before by the brewhouse. This set is also designed for production of cider from fruit or carbonized wine. Assembling of the set is very easy. The installation does not require any professional workers - there is needed only adequate handling equipment for moving and installation of heavy cylindrical-conical fermenters on place after delivering of the set.  All wires, temperature measuring and regulation equipment (exclude covered central control cabinet and cooler) operate with safety voltage 24V, therefore… Lestu meira "
  • CFSCC1-4xCCT1000C Fullbúið sett fyrir gerjun bjórs með 4x CCT-1000C, miðstýringaskápCFSCC1-4xCCT1000C Fullbúið sett fyrir gerjun bjórs með 4x CCT-1000C, miðstýringaskáp
    Complete set for the fermentation and maturation of beer. This set  includes all equipment necessary for professional production of beer using the fermentation and maturation of wort produced before by the brewhouse. This set is also designed for production of cider from fruit or carbonized wine. Assembling of the set is very easy. The installation does not require any professional workers - there is needed only adequate handling equipment for moving and installation of heavy cylindrical-conical fermenters on place after delivering of the set.  All wires, temperature measuring and regulation equipment (exclude covered central control cabinet and cooler) operate with safety voltage 24V, therefore… Lestu meira "
  • CFSCC1-6xCCT1000C Fullbúið sett fyrir gerjun bjórs með 6x CCT-1000C, miðstýringaskápCFSCC1-6xCCT1000C Fullbúið sett fyrir gerjun bjórs með 6x CCT-1000C, miðstýringaskáp
    Complete set for the fermentation and maturation of beer. This set  includes all equipment necessary for professional production of beer using the fermentation and maturation of wort produced before by the brewhouse. This set is also designed for production of cider from fruit or carbonized wine. Assembling of the set is very easy. The installation does not require any professional workers - there is needed only adequate handling equipment for moving and installation of heavy cylindrical-conical fermenters on place after delivering of the set.  All wires, temperature measuring and regulation equipment (exclude covered central control cabinet and cooler) operate with safety voltage 24V, therefore… Lestu meira "
  • CFSCC1-8xCCT1000C Fullbúið sett fyrir gerjun bjórs með 8x CCT-1000C, miðstýringaskápCFSCC1-8xCCT1000C Fullbúið sett fyrir gerjun bjórs með 8x CCT-1000C, miðstýringaskáp
    Complete set for the fermentation and maturation of beer. This set  includes all equipment necessary for professional production of beer using the fermentation and maturation of wort produced before by the brewhouse. This set is also designed for production of cider from fruit or carbonized wine. Assembling of the set is very easy. The installation does not require any professional workers - there is needed only adequate handling equipment for moving and installation of heavy cylindrical-conical fermenters on place after delivering of the set.  All wires, temperature measuring and regulation equipment (exclude covered central control cabinet and cooler) operate with safety voltage 24V, therefore… Lestu meira "
  • CFSCC1-10xCCT1000C Fullbúið sett fyrir gerjun bjórs með 10x CCT-1000C, miðstýringaskápCFSCC1-10xCCT1000C Fullbúið sett fyrir gerjun bjórs með 10x CCT-1000C, miðstýringaskáp
    Complete set for the fermentation and maturation of beer. This set  includes all equipment necessary for professional production of beer using the fermentation and maturation of wort produced before by the brewhouse. This set is also designed for production of cider from fruit or carbonized wine. Assembling of the set is very easy. The installation does not require any professional workers - there is needed only adequate handling equipment for moving and installation of heavy cylindrical-conical fermenters on place after delivering of the set.  All wires, temperature measuring and regulation equipment (exclude covered central control cabinet and cooler) operate with safety voltage 24V, therefore… Lestu meira "
  • CFSCT1-5xCCT1000SHP3ATC: Heill gerjunarsett með 5xCCT-SHP3 1200 lítrum og sjálfvirkri hitastýringuCFSCT1-5xCCT1000SHP3ATC: Heill gerjunarsett með 5xCCT-SHP3 1200 lítrum og sjálfvirkri hitastýringu
    The complete beer fermentation set. This set CFSCT1-5xCCT1000SHP3ATC includes all equipment necessary for professional production of beer using the fermentation and maturation of wort using the fermentation and maturation process in two cylindrically-conical high-pressure fermenters. This set is also designed for the production of cider from fruit or carbonized wine. The set CFSCT1-5xCCT1000SHP3ATC consists of : 5 pcs of the CCT-SHP3-1000DE professional non-insulated or insulated cylindrical-conical tank 1000 liters (total capacity 1200 liters)  - the special container for both fermentation and maturation of beer (cider, wine) under pressure max. 3.0 bar 1pc of the compact water/glycol chiller 6.2 kW Fully… Lestu meira "
WordPress RSS Feed Retriever eftir Þema Mason

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III. Heill gerjunar setur með einköldu svæði CC-skriðdreka 1500 lítrar, einn glýkólkælir og miðlægur skápstýringarkerfi:

  • CFSCC1-2xCCT1500C Fullbúið sett fyrir gerjun bjórs með 2x CCT-1500C, miðstýringaskápCFSCC1-2xCCT1500C Fullbúið sett fyrir gerjun bjórs með 2x CCT-1500C, miðstýringaskáp
    Complete set for the fermentation and maturation of beer. This set  includes all equipment necessary for professional production of beer using the fermentation and maturation of wort produced before by the brewhouse. This set is also designed for production of cider from fruit or carbonized wine. Assembling of the set is very easy. The installation does not require any professional workers - there is needed only adequate handling equipment for moving and installation of heavy cylindrical-conical fermenters on place after delivering of the set.  All wires, temperature measuring and regulation equipment (exclude covered central control cabinet and cooler) operate with safety voltage 24V, therefore… Lestu meira "
  • CFSCC1-4xCCT1500C Fullbúið sett fyrir gerjun bjórs með 4x CCT-1500C, miðstýringaskápCFSCC1-4xCCT1500C Fullbúið sett fyrir gerjun bjórs með 4x CCT-1500C, miðstýringaskáp
    Complete set for the fermentation and maturation of beer. This set  includes all equipment necessary for professional production of beer using the fermentation and maturation of wort produced before by the brewhouse. This set is also designed for production of cider from fruit or carbonized wine. Assembling of the set is very easy. The installation does not require any professional workers - there is needed only adequate handling equipment for moving and installation of heavy cylindrical-conical fermenters on place after delivering of the set.  All wires, temperature measuring and regulation equipment (exclude covered central control cabinet and cooler) operate with safety voltage 24V, therefore… Lestu meira "
  • CFSCC1-8xCCT1500C Fullbúið sett fyrir gerjun bjórs með 8x CCT-1500C, miðstýringaskápCFSCC1-8xCCT1500C Fullbúið sett fyrir gerjun bjórs með 8x CCT-1500C, miðstýringaskáp
    Complete set for the fermentation and maturation of beer. This set  includes all equipment necessary for professional production of beer using the fermentation and maturation of wort produced before by the brewhouse. This set is also designed for production of cider from fruit or carbonized wine. Assembling of the set is very easy. The installation does not require any professional workers - there is needed only adequate handling equipment for moving and installation of heavy cylindrical-conical fermenters on place after delivering of the set.  All wires, temperature measuring and regulation equipment (exclude covered central control cabinet and cooler) operate with safety voltage 24V, therefore… Lestu meira "
  • CFSCC1-10xCCT1500C Fullbúið sett fyrir gerjun bjórs með 10x CCT-1500C, miðstýringaskápCFSCC1-10xCCT1500C Fullbúið sett fyrir gerjun bjórs með 10x CCT-1500C, miðstýringaskáp
    Complete set for the fermentation and maturation of beer. This set  includes all equipment necessary for professional production of beer using the fermentation and maturation of wort produced before by the brewhouse. This set is also designed for production of cider from fruit or carbonized wine. Assembling of the set is very easy. The installation does not require any professional workers - there is needed only adequate handling equipment for moving and installation of heavy cylindrical-conical fermenters on place after delivering of the set.  All wires, temperature measuring and regulation equipment (exclude covered central control cabinet and cooler) operate with safety voltage 24V, therefore… Lestu meira "
  • CFSCC1-6xCCT1500C Fullbúið sett fyrir gerjun bjórs með 6x CCT-1500C, miðstýringaskápCFSCC1-6xCCT1500C Fullbúið sett fyrir gerjun bjórs með 6x CCT-1500C, miðstýringaskáp
    Complete set for the fermentation and maturation of beer. This set  includes all equipment necessary for professional production of beer using the fermentation and maturation of wort produced before by the brewhouse. This set is also designed for production of cider from fruit or carbonized wine. Assembling of the set is very easy. The installation does not require any professional workers - there is needed only adequate handling equipment for moving and installation of heavy cylindrical-conical fermenters on place after delivering of the set.  All wires, temperature measuring and regulation equipment (exclude covered central control cabinet and cooler) operate with safety voltage 24V, therefore… Lestu meira "
WordPress RSS Feed Retriever eftir Þema Mason

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IV. Heill gerjunar setur með einköldu svæði CC-skriðdreka 2000 lítrar, einn glýkólkælir og miðlægur skápstýringarkerfi:

  • CFSCC1-2xCCT2000C Fullbúið sett fyrir gerjun bjórs með 2x CCT-2000C, miðstýringaskápCFSCC1-2xCCT2000C Fullbúið sett fyrir gerjun bjórs með 2x CCT-2000C, miðstýringaskáp
    Complete set for the fermentation and maturation of beer. This set  includes all equipment necessary for professional production of beer using the fermentation and maturation of wort produced before by the brewhouse. This set is also designed for production of cider from fruit or carbonized wine. Assembling of the set is very easy. The installation does not require any professional workers - there is needed only adequate handling equipment for moving and installation of heavy cylindrical-conical fermenters on place after delivering of the set.  All wires, temperature measuring and regulation equipment (exclude covered central control cabinet and cooler) operate with safety voltage 24V, therefore… Lestu meira "
  • CFSCC1-4xCCT2000C Fullbúið sett fyrir gerjun bjórs með 4x CCT-2000C, miðstýringaskápCFSCC1-4xCCT2000C Fullbúið sett fyrir gerjun bjórs með 4x CCT-2000C, miðstýringaskáp
    Complete set for the fermentation and maturation of beer. This set  includes all equipment necessary for professional production of beer using the fermentation and maturation of wort produced before by the brewhouse. This set is also designed for production of cider from fruit or carbonized wine. Assembling of the set is very easy. The installation does not require any professional workers - there is needed only adequate handling equipment for moving and installation of heavy cylindrical-conical fermenters on place after delivering of the set.  All wires, temperature measuring and regulation equipment (exclude covered central control cabinet and cooler) operate with safety voltage 24V, therefore… Lestu meira "
  • CFSCC1-6xCCT2000C Fullbúið sett fyrir gerjun bjórs með 6x CCT-2000C, miðstýringaskápCFSCC1-6xCCT2000C Fullbúið sett fyrir gerjun bjórs með 6x CCT-2000C, miðstýringaskáp
    Complete set for the fermentation and maturation of beer. This set  includes all equipment necessary for professional production of beer using the fermentation and maturation of wort produced before by the brewhouse. This set is also designed for production of cider from fruit or carbonized wine. Assembling of the set is very easy. The installation does not require any professional workers - there is needed only adequate handling equipment for moving and installation of heavy cylindrical-conical fermenters on place after delivering of the set.  All wires, temperature measuring and regulation equipment (exclude covered central control cabinet and cooler) operate with safety voltage 24V, therefore… Lestu meira "
  • CFSCC1-8xCCT2000C Fullbúið sett fyrir gerjun bjórs með 8x CCT-2000C, miðstýringaskápCFSCC1-8xCCT2000C Fullbúið sett fyrir gerjun bjórs með 8x CCT-2000C, miðstýringaskáp
    Complete set for the fermentation and maturation of beer. This set  includes all equipment necessary for professional production of beer using the fermentation and maturation of wort produced before by the brewhouse. This set is also designed for production of cider from fruit or carbonized wine. Assembling of the set is very easy. The installation does not require any professional workers - there is needed only adequate handling equipment for moving and installation of heavy cylindrical-conical fermenters on place after delivering of the set.  All wires, temperature measuring and regulation equipment (exclude covered central control cabinet and cooler) operate with safety voltage 24V, therefore… Lestu meira "
  • CFSCC1-10xCCT2000C Fullbúið sett fyrir gerjun bjórs með 10x CCT-2000C, miðstýringaskápCFSCC1-10xCCT2000C Fullbúið sett fyrir gerjun bjórs með 10x CCT-2000C, miðstýringaskáp
    Complete set for the fermentation and maturation of beer. This set  includes all equipment necessary for professional production of beer using the fermentation and maturation of wort produced before by the brewhouse. This set is also designed for production of cider from fruit or carbonized wine. Assembling of the set is very easy. The installation does not require any professional workers - there is needed only adequate handling equipment for moving and installation of heavy cylindrical-conical fermenters on place after delivering of the set.  All wires, temperature measuring and regulation equipment (exclude covered central control cabinet and cooler) operate with safety voltage 24V, therefore… Lestu meira "
  • CFSCT1-5xCCT2000SHP3ATC: Heill gerjunarsett með 5xCCT-SHP3 2400 lítrum og sjálfvirkri hitastýringuCFSCT1-5xCCT2000SHP3ATC: Heill gerjunarsett með 5xCCT-SHP3 2400 lítrum og sjálfvirkri hitastýringu
    The complete beer fermentation set. This set CFSCT1-5xCCT2000SHP3ATC includes all equipment necessary for professional production of beer using the fermentation and maturation of wort using the fermentation and maturation process in two cylindrically-conical high-pressure fermenters. This set is also designed for the production of cider from fruit or carbonized wine. The set CFSCT1-5xCCT2000SHP3ATC consists of : 5 pcs of the CCT-SHP3-2000DE professional non-insulated or insulated cylindrical-conical tank 2000 liters (total capacity 2400 liters)  - the special container for both fermentation and maturation of beer (cider, wine) under pressure max. 3.0 bar 1pc of the compact water/glycol chiller 11.5 kW Fully… Lestu meira "
WordPress RSS Feed Retriever eftir Þema Mason

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V. Fullbúin gerjunarsett með einköldu svæði CC-skriðdreka 3000 lítra, ein glýkólskælir og miðlægur skápstýringarkerfi:

  • CFSCC1-2xCCT3000C Fullbúið sett fyrir gerjun bjórs með 2x CCT-3000C, miðstýringaskápCFSCC1-2xCCT3000C Fullbúið sett fyrir gerjun bjórs með 2x CCT-3000C, miðstýringaskáp
    Complete set for the fermentation and maturation of beer. This set  includes all equipment necessary for professional production of beer using the fermentation and maturation of wort produced before by the brewhouse. This set is also designed for production of cider from fruit or carbonized wine. Assembling of the set is very easy. The installation does not require any professional workers - there is needed only adequate handling equipment for moving and installation of heavy cylindrical-conical fermenters on place after delivering of the set.  All wires, temperature measuring and regulation equipment (exclude covered central control cabinet and cooler) operate with safety voltage 24V, therefore… Lestu meira "
  • CFSCC1-4xCCT3000C Fullbúið sett fyrir gerjun bjórs með 4x CCT-3000C, miðstýringaskápCFSCC1-4xCCT3000C Fullbúið sett fyrir gerjun bjórs með 4x CCT-3000C, miðstýringaskáp
    Complete set for the fermentation and maturation of beer. This set  includes all equipment necessary for professional production of beer using the fermentation and maturation of wort produced before by the brewhouse. This set is also designed for production of cider from fruit or carbonized wine. Assembling of the set is very easy. The installation does not require any professional workers - there is needed only adequate handling equipment for moving and installation of heavy cylindrical-conical fermenters on place after delivering of the set.  All wires, temperature measuring and regulation equipment (exclude covered central control cabinet and cooler) operate with safety voltage 24V, therefore… Lestu meira "
  • CFSCC1-6xCCT3000C Fullbúið sett fyrir gerjun bjórs með 6x CCT-3000C, miðstýringaskápCFSCC1-6xCCT3000C Fullbúið sett fyrir gerjun bjórs með 6x CCT-3000C, miðstýringaskáp
    Complete set for the fermentation and maturation of beer. This set  includes all equipment necessary for professional production of beer using the fermentation and maturation of wort produced before by the brewhouse. This set is also designed for production of cider from fruit or carbonized wine. Assembling of the set is very easy. The installation does not require any professional workers - there is needed only adequate handling equipment for moving and installation of heavy cylindrical-conical fermenters on place after delivering of the set.  All wires, temperature measuring and regulation equipment (exclude covered central control cabinet and cooler) operate with safety voltage 24V, therefore… Lestu meira "
  • CFSCC1-8xCCT3000C Fullbúið sett fyrir gerjun bjórs með 8x CCT-3000C, miðstýringaskápCFSCC1-8xCCT3000C Fullbúið sett fyrir gerjun bjórs með 8x CCT-3000C, miðstýringaskáp
    Complete set for the fermentation and maturation of beer. This set  includes all equipment necessary for professional production of beer using the fermentation and maturation of wort produced before by the brewhouse. This set is also designed for production of cider from fruit or carbonized wine. Assembling of the set is very easy. The installation does not require any professional workers - there is needed only adequate handling equipment for moving and installation of heavy cylindrical-conical fermenters on place after delivering of the set.  All wires, temperature measuring and regulation equipment (exclude covered central control cabinet and cooler) operate with safety voltage 24V, therefore… Lestu meira "
  • CFSCC1-10xCCT3000C Fullbúið sett fyrir gerjun bjórs með 10x CCT-3000C, miðstýringaskápCFSCC1-10xCCT3000C Fullbúið sett fyrir gerjun bjórs með 10x CCT-3000C, miðstýringaskáp
    Complete set for the fermentation and maturation of beer. This set  includes all equipment necessary for professional production of beer using the fermentation and maturation of wort produced before by the brewhouse. This set is also designed for production of cider from fruit or carbonized wine. Assembling of the set is very easy. The installation does not require any professional workers - there is needed only adequate handling equipment for moving and installation of heavy cylindrical-conical fermenters on place after delivering of the set.  All wires, temperature measuring and regulation equipment (exclude covered central control cabinet and cooler) operate with safety voltage 24V, therefore… Lestu meira "
  • CFSCT1-5xCCT3000SHP3ATC: Heill gerjunarsett með 5xCCT-SHP3 3300 lítrum og sjálfvirkri hitastýringuCFSCT1-5xCCT3000SHP3ATC: Heill gerjunarsett með 5xCCT-SHP3 3300 lítrum og sjálfvirkri hitastýringu
    The complete beer fermentation set. This set CFSCT1-5xCCT3000SHP3ATC includes all equipment necessary for professional production of beer using the fermentation and maturation of wort using the fermentation and maturation process in two cylindrically-conical high-pressure fermenters. This set is also designed for the production of cider from fruit or carbonized wine. The set CFSCT1-5xCCT3000SHP3ATC consists of : 5 pcs of the CCT-SHP3-3000DE professional non-insulated or insulated cylindrical-conical tank 3000 liters (total capacity 3300 liters)  - the special container for both fermentation and maturation of beer (cider, wine) under pressure max. 3.0 bar 1pc of the compact water/glycol chiller 16.6 kW Fully… Lestu meira "
WordPress RSS Feed Retriever eftir Þema Mason

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VI. Heill gerjunar setur með einköldu svæði CC-skriðdreka 4000 lítrar, einn glýkólkælir og miðlægur skápstýringarkerfi:

  • CFSCC1-2xCCT4000C Fullbúið sett fyrir gerjun bjórs með 2x CCT-4000C, miðstýringaskápCFSCC1-2xCCT4000C Fullbúið sett fyrir gerjun bjórs með 2x CCT-4000C, miðstýringaskáp
    Complete set for the fermentation and maturation of beer. This set  includes all equipment necessary for professional production of beer using the fermentation and maturation of wort produced before by the brewhouse. This set is also designed for production of cider from fruit or carbonized wine. Assembling of the set is very easy. The installation does not require any professional workers - there is needed only adequate handling equipment for moving and installation of heavy cylindrical-conical fermenters on place after delivering of the set.  All wires, temperature measuring and regulation equipment (exclude covered central control cabinet and cooler) operate with safety voltage 24V, therefore… Lestu meira "
  • CFSCC1-4xCCT4000C Fullbúið sett fyrir gerjun bjórs með 4x CCT-4000C, miðstýringaskápCFSCC1-4xCCT4000C Fullbúið sett fyrir gerjun bjórs með 4x CCT-4000C, miðstýringaskáp
    Complete set for the fermentation and maturation of beer. This set  includes all equipment necessary for professional production of beer using the fermentation and maturation of wort produced before by the brewhouse. This set is also designed for production of cider from fruit or carbonized wine. Assembling of the set is very easy. The installation does not require any professional workers - there is needed only adequate handling equipment for moving and installation of heavy cylindrical-conical fermenters on place after delivering of the set.  All wires, temperature measuring and regulation equipment (exclude covered central control cabinet and cooler) operate with safety voltage 24V, therefore… Lestu meira "
  • CFSCC1-6xCCT4000C Fullbúið sett fyrir gerjun bjórs með 6x CCT-4000C, miðstýringaskápCFSCC1-6xCCT4000C Fullbúið sett fyrir gerjun bjórs með 6x CCT-4000C, miðstýringaskáp
    Complete set for the fermentation and maturation of beer. This set  includes all equipment necessary for professional production of beer using the fermentation and maturation of wort produced before by the brewhouse. This set is also designed for production of cider from fruit or carbonized wine. Assembling of the set is very easy. The installation does not require any professional workers - there is needed only adequate handling equipment for moving and installation of heavy cylindrical-conical fermenters on place after delivering of the set.  All wires, temperature measuring and regulation equipment (exclude covered central control cabinet and cooler) operate with safety voltage 24V, therefore… Lestu meira "
  • CFSCC1-8xCCT4000C Fullbúið sett fyrir gerjun bjórs með 8x CCT-4000C, miðstýringaskápCFSCC1-8xCCT4000C Fullbúið sett fyrir gerjun bjórs með 8x CCT-4000C, miðstýringaskáp
    Complete set for the fermentation and maturation of beer. This set  includes all equipment necessary for professional production of beer using the fermentation and maturation of wort produced before by the brewhouse. This set is also designed for production of cider from fruit or carbonized wine. Assembling of the set is very easy. The installation does not require any professional workers - there is needed only adequate handling equipment for moving and installation of heavy cylindrical-conical fermenters on place after delivering of the set.  All wires, temperature measuring and regulation equipment (exclude covered central control cabinet and cooler) operate with safety voltage 24V, therefore… Lestu meira "
  • CFSCC1-10xCCT4000C Fullbúið sett fyrir gerjun bjórs með 10x CCT-4000C, miðstýringaskápCFSCC1-10xCCT4000C Fullbúið sett fyrir gerjun bjórs með 10x CCT-4000C, miðstýringaskáp
    Complete set for the fermentation and maturation of beer. This set  includes all equipment necessary for professional production of beer using the fermentation and maturation of wort produced before by the brewhouse. This set is also designed for production of cider from fruit or carbonized wine. Assembling of the set is very easy. The installation does not require any professional workers - there is needed only adequate handling equipment for moving and installation of heavy cylindrical-conical fermenters on place after delivering of the set.  All wires, temperature measuring and regulation equipment (exclude covered central control cabinet and cooler) operate with safety voltage 24V, therefore… Lestu meira "
  • CFSCC1-5xCCT4000C Fullbúið sett fyrir gerjun bjórs með 5x CCT-4000C, miðstýringaskápCFSCC1-5xCCT4000C Fullbúið sett fyrir gerjun bjórs með 5x CCT-4000C, miðstýringaskáp
    Complete set for the fermentation and maturation of beer. This set  includes all equipment necessary for professional production of beer using the fermentation and maturation of wort produced before by the brewhouse. This set is also designed for production of cider from fruit or carbonized wine. Assembling of the set is very easy. The installation does not require any professional workers - there is needed only adequate handling equipment for moving and installation of heavy cylindrical-conical fermenters on place after delivering of the set.  All wires, temperature measuring and regulation equipment (exclude covered central control cabinet and cooler) operate with safety voltage 24V, therefore… Lestu meira "
  • CFSCT1-5xCCT4000SHP3ATC: Heill gerjunarsett með 5xCCT-SHP3 5500 lítrum og sjálfvirkri hitastýringuCFSCT1-5xCCT4000SHP3ATC: Heill gerjunarsett með 5xCCT-SHP3 5500 lítrum og sjálfvirkri hitastýringu
    The complete beer fermentation set. This set CFSCT1-5xCCT4000SHP3ATC includes all equipment necessary for professional production of beer using the fermentation and maturation of wort using the fermentation and maturation process in two cylindrically-conical high-pressure fermenters. This set is also designed for the production of cider from fruit or carbonized wine. The set CFSCT1-5xCCT4000SHP3ATC consists of : 5 pcs of the CCT-SHP3-4000DE professional non-insulated or insulated cylindrical-conical tank 4000 liters (total capacity 5500 liters)  - the special container for both fermentation and maturation of beer (cider, wine) under pressure max. 3.0 bar 1pc of the compact water/glycol chiller 20 kW Fully… Lestu meira "
WordPress RSS Feed Retriever eftir Þema Mason

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VII. Heill gerjunar setur með einköldu svæði CC-skriðdreka 6000 lítrar, einn glýkólkælir og miðlægur skápstýringarkerfi:

  • CFSCC1-2xCCT6000C Fullbúið sett fyrir gerjun bjórs með 2x CCT-6000C, miðstýringaskápCFSCC1-2xCCT6000C Fullbúið sett fyrir gerjun bjórs með 2x CCT-6000C, miðstýringaskáp
    Complete set for the fermentation and maturation of beer. This set  includes all equipment necessary for professional production of beer using the fermentation and maturation of wort produced before by the brewhouse. This set is also designed for production of cider from fruit or carbonized wine. Assembling of the set is very easy. The installation does not require any professional workers - there is needed only adequate handling equipment for moving and installation of heavy cylindrical-conical fermenters on place after delivering of the set.  All wires, temperature measuring and regulation equipment (exclude covered central control cabinet and cooler) operate with safety voltage 24V, therefore… Lestu meira "
  • CFSCC1-4xCCT6000C Fullbúið sett fyrir gerjun bjórs með 4x CCT-6000C, miðstýringaskápCFSCC1-4xCCT6000C Fullbúið sett fyrir gerjun bjórs með 4x CCT-6000C, miðstýringaskáp
    Complete set for the fermentation and maturation of beer. This set  includes all equipment necessary for professional production of beer using the fermentation and maturation of wort produced before by the brewhouse. This set is also designed for production of cider from fruit or carbonized wine. Assembling of the set is very easy. The installation does not require any professional workers - there is needed only adequate handling equipment for moving and installation of heavy cylindrical-conical fermenters on place after delivering of the set.  All wires, temperature measuring and regulation equipment (exclude covered central control cabinet and cooler) operate with safety voltage 24V, therefore… Lestu meira "
  • CFSCC1-6xCCT6000C Fullbúið sett fyrir gerjun bjórs með 6x CCT-6000C, miðstýringaskápCFSCC1-6xCCT6000C Fullbúið sett fyrir gerjun bjórs með 6x CCT-6000C, miðstýringaskáp
    Complete set for the fermentation and maturation of beer. This set  includes all equipment necessary for professional production of beer using the fermentation and maturation of wort produced before by the brewhouse. This set is also designed for production of cider from fruit or carbonized wine. Assembling of the set is very easy. The installation does not require any professional workers - there is needed only adequate handling equipment for moving and installation of heavy cylindrical-conical fermenters on place after delivering of the set.  All wires, temperature measuring and regulation equipment (exclude covered central control cabinet and cooler) operate with safety voltage 24V, therefore… Lestu meira "
  • CFSCC1-8xCCT6000C Fullbúið sett fyrir gerjun bjórs með 8x CCT-6000C, miðstýringaskápCFSCC1-8xCCT6000C Fullbúið sett fyrir gerjun bjórs með 8x CCT-6000C, miðstýringaskáp
    Complete set for the fermentation and maturation of beer. This set  includes all equipment necessary for professional production of beer using the fermentation and maturation of wort produced before by the brewhouse. This set is also designed for production of cider from fruit or carbonized wine. Assembling of the set is very easy. The installation does not require any professional workers - there is needed only adequate handling equipment for moving and installation of heavy cylindrical-conical fermenters on place after delivering of the set.  All wires, temperature measuring and regulation equipment (exclude covered central control cabinet and cooler) operate with safety voltage 24V, therefore… Lestu meira "
  • CFSCC1-10xCCT6000C Fullbúið sett fyrir gerjun bjórs með 10x CCT-6000C, miðstýringaskápCFSCC1-10xCCT6000C Fullbúið sett fyrir gerjun bjórs með 10x CCT-6000C, miðstýringaskáp
    Complete set for the fermentation and maturation of beer. This set  includes all equipment necessary for professional production of beer using the fermentation and maturation of wort produced before by the brewhouse. This set is also designed for production of cider from fruit or carbonized wine. Assembling of the set is very easy. The installation does not require any professional workers - there is needed only adequate handling equipment for moving and installation of heavy cylindrical-conical fermenters on place after delivering of the set.  All wires, temperature measuring and regulation equipment (exclude covered central control cabinet and cooler) operate with safety voltage 24V, therefore… Lestu meira "
WordPress RSS Feed Retriever eftir Þema Mason

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VIII. Heill gerjunar setur með einköldu svæði CC-skriðdreka 8000 lítrar, einn glýkólkælir og miðlægur skápstýringarkerfi:

  • CFSCC1-2xCCT8000C Fullbúið sett fyrir gerjun bjórs með 2x CCT-8000C, miðstýringaskápCFSCC1-2xCCT8000C Fullbúið sett fyrir gerjun bjórs með 2x CCT-8000C, miðstýringaskáp
    Complete set for the fermentation and maturation of beer. This set  includes all equipment necessary for professional production of beer using the fermentation and maturation of wort produced before by the brewhouse. This set is also designed for production of cider from fruit or carbonized wine. Assembling of the set is very easy. The installation does not require any professional workers - there is needed only adequate handling equipment for moving and installation of heavy cylindrical-conical fermenters on place after delivering of the set.  All wires, temperature measuring and regulation equipment (exclude covered central control cabinet and cooler) operate with safety voltage 24V, therefore… Lestu meira "
  • CFSCC1-4xCCT8000C Fullbúið sett fyrir gerjun bjórs með 4x CCT-8000C, miðstýringaskápCFSCC1-4xCCT8000C Fullbúið sett fyrir gerjun bjórs með 4x CCT-8000C, miðstýringaskáp
    Complete set for the fermentation and maturation of beer. This set  includes all equipment necessary for professional production of beer using the fermentation and maturation of wort produced before by the brewhouse. This set is also designed for production of cider from fruit or carbonized wine. Assembling of the set is very easy. The installation does not require any professional workers - there is needed only adequate handling equipment for moving and installation of heavy cylindrical-conical fermenters on place after delivering of the set.  All wires, temperature measuring and regulation equipment (exclude covered central control cabinet and cooler) operate with safety voltage 24V, therefore… Lestu meira "
  • CFSCC1-6xCCT8000C Fullbúið sett fyrir gerjun bjórs með 6x CCT-8000C, miðstýringaskápCFSCC1-6xCCT8000C Fullbúið sett fyrir gerjun bjórs með 6x CCT-8000C, miðstýringaskáp
    Complete set for the fermentation and maturation of beer. This set  includes all equipment necessary for professional production of beer using the fermentation and maturation of wort produced before by the brewhouse. This set is also designed for production of cider from fruit or carbonized wine. Assembling of the set is very easy. The installation does not require any professional workers - there is needed only adequate handling equipment for moving and installation of heavy cylindrical-conical fermenters on place after delivering of the set.  All wires, temperature measuring and regulation equipment (exclude covered central control cabinet and cooler) operate with safety voltage 24V, therefore… Lestu meira "
  • CFSCC1-8xCCT8000C Fullbúið sett fyrir gerjun bjórs með 8x CCT-8000C, miðstýringaskápCFSCC1-8xCCT8000C Fullbúið sett fyrir gerjun bjórs með 8x CCT-8000C, miðstýringaskáp
    Complete set for the fermentation and maturation of beer. This set  includes all equipment necessary for professional production of beer using the fermentation and maturation of wort produced before by the brewhouse. This set is also designed for production of cider from fruit or carbonized wine. Assembling of the set is very easy. The installation does not require any professional workers - there is needed only adequate handling equipment for moving and installation of heavy cylindrical-conical fermenters on place after delivering of the set.  All wires, temperature measuring and regulation equipment (exclude covered central control cabinet and cooler) operate with safety voltage 24V, therefore… Lestu meira "
  • CFSCC1-10xCCT8000C Fullbúið sett fyrir gerjun bjórs með 10x CCT-8000C, miðstýringaskápCFSCC1-10xCCT8000C Fullbúið sett fyrir gerjun bjórs með 10x CCT-8000C, miðstýringaskáp
    Complete set for the fermentation and maturation of beer. This set  includes all equipment necessary for professional production of beer using the fermentation and maturation of wort produced before by the brewhouse. This set is also designed for production of cider from fruit or carbonized wine. Assembling of the set is very easy. The installation does not require any professional workers - there is needed only adequate handling equipment for moving and installation of heavy cylindrical-conical fermenters on place after delivering of the set.  All wires, temperature measuring and regulation equipment (exclude covered central control cabinet and cooler) operate with safety voltage 24V, therefore… Lestu meira "
WordPress RSS Feed Retriever eftir Þema Mason

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Verð annarra stillinga á eftirspurn (aðrar bindi, gerðir eða fjöldi skriðdreka, kælingu fleiri búnaðar með einum chiller o.fl.)

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