Diskur bjór filters

Diskur bjór filters

- létt aðal síun á bjór fyrir upprennandi örbrugghús

Plate bjór sía fyrir microbreweries BREWORXBjór síun

The beer filtration through a plate filter is the cheapest and easiest way to get rid of most beer live yeast . It is used in a microbrewery of a small and medium size, for which the cost is a primary decision parameter.

Plate filters for beer are made from stainless steel and plastic, therefore resist to a certain extent aggressive substances. They consist of two end steel plates ,one of which is slidable on guide pins , controlled by the pressure screw or hydraulic element. Among them there are filtering stainless steel or polypropylene frames with filter cellulose pads (plates ) of the set size and number according to the required purity , flow and overall capacity of the filtered liquid .

Þegar bjór er flutt í gegnum innskotið eru innilokaðir óhreinindi teknar og þau lækka smám saman flæðihraða innskotanna við stöðugt hreint síuvökva.

Plate filter is mobile on castors and wheelsand is equipped with a control pressure gauges, air-outlet valve and flow taps, chrome brass or stainless steel. The filter allows continuous filtering, i.e., that it can perform dual filtering with different purity grade using two types of inserts in one pass through the filter body . It is a convenient way especially in terms of lower workload of handling liquid and easier to work.

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Ókostir með plötu síun:

  • Hærri kostnaður við rekstrarvörur - síuhylki
  • Nauðsynlegt að fjarlægja síuna til að hreinsa og skipta um síueiningarnar


Við bjóðum upp á þessar plötur:

  • PLF-IPE4040 : Plötusía 400×400 með pólýetýlenplötumPLF-IPE4040 : Plötusía 400×400 með pólýetýlenplötum
    Plate filter 400×400 with polyethylene plates. Available with 20, 30, 40, 50, 60 or 80 pcs of PE plates (frames) for filtration cartons 400×400 mm. This filtration system involves the use of filter layers “cartons” which are interposed between the plates with frames made of polyethylene. It can be used for a primary and secondary filtration of beer, wine or cider before the bottling process. Sterilization with hot steam is not allowed. With a set for the double filtration – the double filtration kit. Can be delivered with SST filter plate holders for double filtration (optionaly). Lestu meira "
  • PLF-SSP4040 : Plötusía 400×400 mm með ryðfríum stálplötum og dæluPLF-SSP4040 : Plötusía 400×400 mm með ryðfríum stálplötum og dælu
    Plate filter 400x400 with stainless steel plates and a pump. Available with 11, 19, 29 or 39 pcs of stainless steel plates (frames) for filtration cartons 400x400 mm. This filtration system involves the use of filter layers "cartons" which are interposed between the plates with frames made of stainless steel. It can be used for a primary and secondary filtration of beer, wine or cider before the bottling process. Sterilizable with hot steam. With a set for the double filtration - the double filtration kit. Can be delivered with SST filter plate holders for double filtration (optionaly). Lestu meira "
  • PLF-SPP2020 : Færanleg ryðfríu stálplötusía 200×200 með pólýetýlenplötum og dæluPLF-SPP2020 : Færanleg ryðfríu stálplötusía 200×200 með pólýetýlenplötum og dælu
    Portable stainless steel plate filter 200x200 with polyethylene plates and an electrical pump. Available with 6, 12 or 18 pcs of polyethylene plates (polyethylene frames) for filtration cartons 200x200 mm. This filtration system involves the use of filter layers "cartons" which are interposed between the plates with frames made of polyethylene. New and very favourably priced handy table top model of the beverage filter with handle and drip tray. Pump without bypass, can also be used separately. Suitable for filtering food liquids such as wine, beer, juice, etc. Not suitable for double filtration. With standard NBR seal for liquids up… Lestu meira "
  • PLF-SSP2020 Mobile diskasía 200 × 200 með ryðfríu stálplötum og dæluPLF-SSP2020 Mobile diskasía 200 × 200 með ryðfríu stálplötum og dælu
    Semi-professional plate filter for the filtering of wine, beer, fruit juices, etc. With powerful stainless steel centrifugal pressure pump, mobile frame in stainless steel, filter holders in moplen and the necessary connection parts (for 19 mm PVC hoses). The pump can also be used separately for siphoning.. Available with 10, 20 or 30 pcs of stainless steel plates (frames) for filtration cartons 200x200 mm. This filtration system involves the use of filter layers "cartons" which are interposed between the plates with frames made of stainless steel. New and very favourably priced handy table top model of the beverage filter with… Lestu meira "
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