CFS CC2Z Centralna szafa 2

Kompletne zestawy fermentacyjne CFS CC2Z: Centralna szafka 2

The CFS CC2Z complete fermentation sets are pre-configured sets that include all what is necessary to fermentation, maturation and storaging of beer, cider, wine or similar alcoholic beverages. They are equipped with several classical cylindrical-conical tanks, one compact liquid cooler and the central cabinet temperature measuring and regulation system with separated digital regulator for each tank cooling zone (two cooling zones in one tank) . All digital temperature regulators are placed in the central cabinet on the wall.

Centralny system sterowania szafą + Podwójna strefa chłodzenia (dwie niezależne strefy) na każdym zbiorniku.


Przykładowy zestaw CFS CC2Z: CFSCC2-10xCCT1000C Kompletny zestaw fermentacji piwa z 10x CCT-1000C, centralna regulacja szafy, chłodzenie dwustrefowe

The complete beer fermentation set. This set includes all equipment necessary for professional production of beer using the fermentation and maturation process from wort produced before by the brewhouse. This set is also designed for production of cider from fruit or carbonated wine.

CBFSCC-2Z-03-Kompletne zestawy do fermentacji piwa - centrala-szafka


Montaż zestawu jest bardzo prosty. Instalacja nie wymaga żadnych profesjonalnych pracowników - potrzebny jest tylko odpowiedni sprzęt do przenoszenia i instalowania ciężkich kontenerów (Fermentery cylindryczne stożkowe) Na miejscu po dostarczeniu zestawu. Wszystkie przewody, przyrządy do pomiaru i regulacji temperatury (z wyłączeniem centralnej szafy sterowniczej i chłodnicy) pracują z napięciem bezpieczeństwa 24V, dlatego mogą być instalowane przez klienta przy użyciu instrukcji instalacyjnej. Dlatego cena zestawu nie obejmuje prac instalacyjnych.

The CFSCC2-10xCCT1000C complete fermentation set includes :

  1. Zbiornik cylindryczno-stożkowy Classic CCT-1000 / 1170 L (izolowany płaszcz 2) × 10szt
  2. Kompaktowa nagrzewnica wodna 10.7 kW
  3. Zestaw zabezpieczenia przed przepełnieniem zbiornika do chłodnicy
  4. Centralny system kontroli temperatury szaf w strefach 20
  5. Główny zestaw rozdzielaczy kompaktowych 3/4 ″ z manometrem do podłączenia CWC do odgałęzień 5x 1/2 ″
  6. Kompaktowy zestaw rozdzielaczy 1/2 ″ do podłączenia CWC do 2 stref chłodzenia × 5szt
  7. Węże z tworzywa sztucznego do wody / glikolu 19-24mm × 30 metrów
  8. Węże z tworzywa sztucznego do wody / glikolu 12-17mm × 70 metrów
  9. Izolacja przewodów 25-37mm × 30 metrów
  10. Izolacja przewodów 18-30mm × 70 metrów
  11. Zawór kulowy do wody / glikolu M1 / ​​2 ″ -H1 / 2 ″ × 40szt
  12. Opaska zaciskowa 20-32mm do węża 3/4 ″ × 4szt
  13. Opaska zaciskowa 12-22mm do węża 1/2 ″ × 40szt
  14. Łącznik rurowy 2xG1 / 2 ″ F. × 30szt
  15. Montaż podręcznika ułatwia instalację bez specjalistów browaru



I. Kompletne zestawy fermentacyjne z dwustronnie chłodzącymi zbiornikami o pojemności 500 litrów, jedną chłodnicą glikolu i centralnym systemem kontroli szafek:

  • CFSCC2-4xCCT500C Kompletny zestaw do fermentacji piwa z 4x CCT-500C, centralna szafa sterowniczaCFSCC2-4xCCT500C Kompletny zestaw do fermentacji piwa z 4x CCT-500C, centralna szafa sterownicza
    Complete set for the fermentation and maturation of beer. This set  includes all equipment necessary for professional production of beer using the fermentation and maturation of wort produced before by the brewhouse. This set is also designed for production of cider from fruit or carbonized wine. Assembling of the set is very easy. The installation does not require any professional workers - there is needed only adequate handling equipment for moving and installation of heavy cylindrical-conical fermenters on place after delivering of the set.  All wires, temperature measuring and regulation equipment (exclude covered central control cabinet and cooler) operate with safety voltage 24V, therefore… Czytaj więcej "
  • CFSCC2-6xCCT500C Kompletny zestaw do fermentacji piwa z 6x CCT-500C, centralna szafa sterowniczaCFSCC2-6xCCT500C Kompletny zestaw do fermentacji piwa z 6x CCT-500C, centralna szafa sterownicza
    Complete set for the fermentation and maturation of beer. This set  includes all equipment necessary for professional production of beer using the fermentation and maturation of wort produced before by the brewhouse. This set is also designed for production of cider from fruit or carbonized wine. Assembling of the set is very easy. The installation does not require any professional workers - there is needed only adequate handling equipment for moving and installation of heavy cylindrical-conical fermenters on place after delivering of the set.  All wires, temperature measuring and regulation equipment (exclude covered central control cabinet and cooler) operate with safety voltage 24V, therefore… Czytaj więcej "
  • CFSCC2-8xCCT500C Kompletny zestaw do fermentacji piwa z 8x CCT-500C, centralna szafa sterowniczaCFSCC2-8xCCT500C Kompletny zestaw do fermentacji piwa z 8x CCT-500C, centralna szafa sterownicza
    Complete set for the fermentation and maturation of beer. This set  includes all equipment necessary for professional production of beer using the fermentation and maturation of wort produced before by the brewhouse. This set is also designed for production of cider from fruit or carbonized wine. Assembling of the set is very easy. The installation does not require any professional workers - there is needed only adequate handling equipment for moving and installation of heavy cylindrical-conical fermenters on place after delivering of the set.  All wires, temperature measuring and regulation equipment (exclude covered central control cabinet and cooler) operate with safety voltage 24V, therefore… Czytaj więcej "
  • CFSCC2-2xCCT500C Kompletny zestaw do fermentacji piwa z 2x CCT-500C, centralna szafa sterowniczaCFSCC2-2xCCT500C Kompletny zestaw do fermentacji piwa z 2x CCT-500C, centralna szafa sterownicza
    Complete set for the fermentation and maturation of beer. This set  includes all equipment necessary for professional production of beer using the fermentation and maturation of wort produced before by the brewhouse. This set is also designed for production of cider from fruit or carbonized wine. Assembling of the set is very easy. The installation does not require any professional workers - there is needed only adequate handling equipment for moving and installation of heavy cylindrical-conical fermenters on place after delivering of the set.  All wires, temperature measuring and regulation equipment (exclude covered central control cabinet and cooler) operate with safety voltage 24V, therefore… Czytaj więcej "
  • CFSCC2-10xCCT500C Kompletny zestaw do fermentacji piwa z 10x CCT-500C, centralna szafa sterowniczaCFSCC2-10xCCT500C Kompletny zestaw do fermentacji piwa z 10x CCT-500C, centralna szafa sterownicza
    Complete set for the fermentation and maturation of beer. This set  includes all equipment necessary for professional production of beer using the fermentation and maturation of wort produced before by the brewhouse. This set is also designed for production of cider from fruit or carbonized wine. Assembling of the set is very easy. The installation does not require any professional workers - there is needed only adequate handling equipment for moving and installation of heavy cylindrical-conical fermenters on place after delivering of the set.  All wires, temperature measuring and regulation equipment (exclude covered central control cabinet and cooler) operate with safety voltage 24V, therefore… Czytaj więcej "
Odzyskiwanie kanałów RSS WordPress autorstwa Tematyka Masona

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II. Kompletne zestawy fermentacyjne z dwustronnie chłodzącymi zbiornikami o pojemności 1000 litrów, jedną chłodnicą glikolu i centralnym systemem kontroli szafek:

  • CFSCC2-10xCCT1000C Kompletny zestaw do fermentacji piwa z 10x CCT-1000C, centralna szafa sterowniczaCFSCC2-10xCCT1000C Kompletny zestaw do fermentacji piwa z 10x CCT-1000C, centralna szafa sterownicza
    Complete set for the fermentation and maturation of beer. This set  includes all equipment necessary for professional production of beer using the fermentation and maturation of wort produced before by the brewhouse. This set is also designed for production of cider from fruit or carbonized wine. Assembling of the set is very easy. The installation does not require any professional workers - there is needed only adequate handling equipment for moving and installation of heavy cylindrical-conical fermenters on place after delivering of the set.  All wires, temperature measuring and regulation equipment (exclude covered central control cabinet and cooler) operate with safety voltage 24V, therefore… Czytaj więcej "
  • CFSCC2-2xCCT1000C Kompletny zestaw do fermentacji piwa z 2x CCT-1000C, centralna szafa sterowniczaCFSCC2-2xCCT1000C Kompletny zestaw do fermentacji piwa z 2x CCT-1000C, centralna szafa sterownicza
    Complete set for the fermentation and maturation of beer. This set  includes all equipment necessary for professional production of beer using the fermentation and maturation of wort produced before by the brewhouse. This set is also designed for production of cider from fruit or carbonized wine. Assembling of the set is very easy. The installation does not require any professional workers - there is needed only adequate handling equipment for moving and installation of heavy cylindrical-conical fermenters on place after delivering of the set.  All wires, temperature measuring and regulation equipment (exclude covered central control cabinet and cooler) operate with safety voltage 24V, therefore… Czytaj więcej "
  • CFSCC2-4xCCT1000C Kompletny zestaw do fermentacji piwa z 4x CCT-1000C, centralna szafa sterowniczaCFSCC2-4xCCT1000C Kompletny zestaw do fermentacji piwa z 4x CCT-1000C, centralna szafa sterownicza
    Complete set for the fermentation and maturation of beer. This set  includes all equipment necessary for professional production of beer using the fermentation and maturation of wort produced before by the brewhouse. This set is also designed for production of cider from fruit or carbonized wine. Assembling of the set is very easy. The installation does not require any professional workers - there is needed only adequate handling equipment for moving and installation of heavy cylindrical-conical fermenters on place after delivering of the set.  All wires, temperature measuring and regulation equipment (exclude covered central control cabinet and cooler) operate with safety voltage 24V, therefore… Czytaj więcej "
  • CFSCC2-8xCCT1000C Kompletny zestaw do fermentacji piwa z 8x CCT-1000C, centralna szafa sterowniczaCFSCC2-8xCCT1000C Kompletny zestaw do fermentacji piwa z 8x CCT-1000C, centralna szafa sterownicza
    Complete set for the fermentation and maturation of beer. This set  includes all equipment necessary for professional production of beer using the fermentation and maturation of wort produced before by the brewhouse. This set is also designed for production of cider from fruit or carbonized wine. Assembling of the set is very easy. The installation does not require any professional workers - there is needed only adequate handling equipment for moving and installation of heavy cylindrical-conical fermenters on place after delivering of the set.  All wires, temperature measuring and regulation equipment (exclude covered central control cabinet and cooler) operate with safety voltage 24V, therefore… Czytaj więcej "
Odzyskiwanie kanałów RSS WordPress autorstwa Tematyka Masona

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III. Kompletne zestawy fermentacyjne z dwustronnie chłodzącymi zbiornikami o pojemności 1500 litrów, jedną chłodnicą glikolu i centralnym systemem kontroli szafek:

  • CFSCC2-6xCCT1500C Kompletny zestaw do fermentacji piwa z 6x CCT-1500C, centralna szafa sterowniczaCFSCC2-6xCCT1500C Kompletny zestaw do fermentacji piwa z 6x CCT-1500C, centralna szafa sterownicza
    Complete set for the fermentation and maturation of beer. This set  includes all equipment necessary for professional production of beer using the fermentation and maturation of wort produced before by the brewhouse. This set is also designed for production of cider from fruit or carbonized wine. Assembling of the set is very easy. The installation does not require any professional workers - there is needed only adequate handling equipment for moving and installation of heavy cylindrical-conical fermenters on place after delivering of the set.  All wires, temperature measuring and regulation equipment (exclude covered central control cabinet and cooler) operate with safety voltage 24V, therefore… Czytaj więcej "
  • CFSCC2-8xCCT1500C Kompletny zestaw do fermentacji piwa z 8x CCT-1500C, centralna szafa sterowniczaCFSCC2-8xCCT1500C Kompletny zestaw do fermentacji piwa z 8x CCT-1500C, centralna szafa sterownicza
    Complete set for the fermentation and maturation of beer. This set  includes all equipment necessary for professional production of beer using the fermentation and maturation of wort produced before by the brewhouse. This set is also designed for production of cider from fruit or carbonized wine. Assembling of the set is very easy. The installation does not require any professional workers - there is needed only adequate handling equipment for moving and installation of heavy cylindrical-conical fermenters on place after delivering of the set.  All wires, temperature measuring and regulation equipment (exclude covered central control cabinet and cooler) operate with safety voltage 24V, therefore… Czytaj więcej "
  • CFSCC2-2xCCT1500C Kompletny zestaw do fermentacji piwa z 2x CCT-1500C, centralna szafa sterowniczaCFSCC2-2xCCT1500C Kompletny zestaw do fermentacji piwa z 2x CCT-1500C, centralna szafa sterownicza
    Complete set for the fermentation and maturation of beer. This set  includes all equipment necessary for professional production of beer using the fermentation and maturation of wort produced before by the brewhouse. This set is also designed for production of cider from fruit or carbonized wine. Assembling of the set is very easy. The installation does not require any professional workers - there is needed only adequate handling equipment for moving and installation of heavy cylindrical-conical fermenters on place after delivering of the set.  All wires, temperature measuring and regulation equipment (exclude covered central control cabinet and cooler) operate with safety voltage 24V, therefore… Czytaj więcej "
  • CFSCC2-4xCCT1500C Kompletny zestaw do fermentacji piwa z 4x CCT-1500C, centralna szafa sterowniczaCFSCC2-4xCCT1500C Kompletny zestaw do fermentacji piwa z 4x CCT-1500C, centralna szafa sterownicza
    Complete set for the fermentation and maturation of beer. This set  includes all equipment necessary for professional production of beer using the fermentation and maturation of wort produced before by the brewhouse. This set is also designed for production of cider from fruit or carbonized wine. Assembling of the set is very easy. The installation does not require any professional workers - there is needed only adequate handling equipment for moving and installation of heavy cylindrical-conical fermenters on place after delivering of the set.  All wires, temperature measuring and regulation equipment (exclude covered central control cabinet and cooler) operate with safety voltage 24V, therefore… Czytaj więcej "
  • CFSCC2-10xCCT1500C Kompletny zestaw do fermentacji piwa z 10x CCT-1500C, centralna szafa sterowniczaCFSCC2-10xCCT1500C Kompletny zestaw do fermentacji piwa z 10x CCT-1500C, centralna szafa sterownicza
    Complete set for the fermentation and maturation of beer. This set  includes all equipment necessary for professional production of beer using the fermentation and maturation of wort produced before by the brewhouse. This set is also designed for production of cider from fruit or carbonized wine. Assembling of the set is very easy. The installation does not require any professional workers - there is needed only adequate handling equipment for moving and installation of heavy cylindrical-conical fermenters on place after delivering of the set.  All wires, temperature measuring and regulation equipment (exclude covered central control cabinet and cooler) operate with safety voltage 24V, therefore… Czytaj więcej "
Odzyskiwanie kanałów RSS WordPress autorstwa Tematyka Masona

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IV. Kompletne zestawy fermentacyjne z dwustronnie chłodzącymi zbiornikami o pojemności 2000 litrów, jedną chłodnicą glikolu i centralnym systemem kontroli szafek:

  • CFSCC2-8xCCT2000C Kompletny zestaw do fermentacji piwa z 8x CCT-2000C, centralna szafa sterowniczaCFSCC2-8xCCT2000C Kompletny zestaw do fermentacji piwa z 8x CCT-2000C, centralna szafa sterownicza
    Complete set for the fermentation and maturation of beer. This set  includes all equipment necessary for professional production of beer using the fermentation and maturation of wort produced before by the brewhouse. This set is also designed for production of cider from fruit or carbonized wine. Assembling of the set is very easy. The installation does not require any professional workers - there is needed only adequate handling equipment for moving and installation of heavy cylindrical-conical fermenters on place after delivering of the set.  All wires, temperature measuring and regulation equipment (exclude covered central control cabinet and cooler) operate with safety voltage 24V, therefore… Czytaj więcej "
  • CFSCC2-10xCCT2000C Kompletny zestaw do fermentacji piwa z 10x CCT-2000C, centralna szafa sterowniczaCFSCC2-10xCCT2000C Kompletny zestaw do fermentacji piwa z 10x CCT-2000C, centralna szafa sterownicza
    Complete set for the fermentation and maturation of beer. This set  includes all equipment necessary for professional production of beer using the fermentation and maturation of wort produced before by the brewhouse. This set is also designed for production of cider from fruit or carbonized wine. Assembling of the set is very easy. The installation does not require any professional workers - there is needed only adequate handling equipment for moving and installation of heavy cylindrical-conical fermenters on place after delivering of the set.  All wires, temperature measuring and regulation equipment (exclude covered central control cabinet and cooler) operate with safety voltage 24V, therefore… Czytaj więcej "
  • CFSCC2-2xCCT2000C Kompletny zestaw do fermentacji piwa z 2x CCT-2000C, centralna szafa sterowniczaCFSCC2-2xCCT2000C Kompletny zestaw do fermentacji piwa z 2x CCT-2000C, centralna szafa sterownicza
    Complete set for the fermentation and maturation of beer. This set  includes all equipment necessary for professional production of beer using the fermentation and maturation of wort produced before by the brewhouse. This set is also designed for production of cider from fruit or carbonized wine. Assembling of the set is very easy. The installation does not require any professional workers - there is needed only adequate handling equipment for moving and installation of heavy cylindrical-conical fermenters on place after delivering of the set.  All wires, temperature measuring and regulation equipment (exclude covered central control cabinet and cooler) operate with safety voltage 24V, therefore… Czytaj więcej "
  • CFSCC2-4xCCT2000C Kompletny zestaw do fermentacji piwa z 4x CCT-2000C, centralna szafa sterowniczaCFSCC2-4xCCT2000C Kompletny zestaw do fermentacji piwa z 4x CCT-2000C, centralna szafa sterownicza
    Complete set for the fermentation and maturation of beer. This set  includes all equipment necessary for professional production of beer using the fermentation and maturation of wort produced before by the brewhouse. This set is also designed for production of cider from fruit or carbonized wine. Assembling of the set is very easy. The installation does not require any professional workers - there is needed only adequate handling equipment for moving and installation of heavy cylindrical-conical fermenters on place after delivering of the set.  All wires, temperature measuring and regulation equipment (exclude covered central control cabinet and cooler) operate with safety voltage 24V, therefore… Czytaj więcej "
  • CFSCC2-6xCCT2000C Kompletny zestaw do fermentacji piwa z 6x CCT-2000C, centralna szafa sterowniczaCFSCC2-6xCCT2000C Kompletny zestaw do fermentacji piwa z 6x CCT-2000C, centralna szafa sterownicza
    Complete set for the fermentation and maturation of beer. This set  includes all equipment necessary for professional production of beer using the fermentation and maturation of wort produced before by the brewhouse. This set is also designed for production of cider from fruit or carbonized wine. Assembling of the set is very easy. The installation does not require any professional workers - there is needed only adequate handling equipment for moving and installation of heavy cylindrical-conical fermenters on place after delivering of the set.  All wires, temperature measuring and regulation equipment (exclude covered central control cabinet and cooler) operate with safety voltage 24V, therefore… Czytaj więcej "
Odzyskiwanie kanałów RSS WordPress autorstwa Tematyka Masona

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V. Kompletne zestawy fermentacyjne ze zbiornikami CC z podwójną strefą chłodzenia 3000 litrów, jedną chłodnicą glikolu i centralnym systemem sterowania szafą:

  • CFSCC2-2xCCT3000C Kompletny zestaw do fermentacji piwa z 2x CCT-3000C, centralna szafa sterowniczaCFSCC2-2xCCT3000C Kompletny zestaw do fermentacji piwa z 2x CCT-3000C, centralna szafa sterownicza
    Complete set for the fermentation and maturation of beer. This set  includes all equipment necessary for professional production of beer using the fermentation and maturation of wort produced before by the brewhouse. This set is also designed for production of cider from fruit or carbonized wine. Assembling of the set is very easy. The installation does not require any professional workers - there is needed only adequate handling equipment for moving and installation of heavy cylindrical-conical fermenters on place after delivering of the set.  All wires, temperature measuring and regulation equipment (exclude covered central control cabinet and cooler) operate with safety voltage 24V, therefore… Czytaj więcej "
  • CFSCC2-6xCCT3000C Kompletny zestaw do fermentacji piwa z 6x CCT-3000C, centralna szafa sterowniczaCFSCC2-6xCCT3000C Kompletny zestaw do fermentacji piwa z 6x CCT-3000C, centralna szafa sterownicza
    Complete set for the fermentation and maturation of beer. This set  includes all equipment necessary for professional production of beer using the fermentation and maturation of wort produced before by the brewhouse. This set is also designed for production of cider from fruit or carbonized wine. Assembling of the set is very easy. The installation does not require any professional workers - there is needed only adequate handling equipment for moving and installation of heavy cylindrical-conical fermenters on place after delivering of the set.  All wires, temperature measuring and regulation equipment (exclude covered central control cabinet and cooler) operate with safety voltage 24V, therefore… Czytaj więcej "
  • CFSCC2-4xCCT3000C Kompletny zestaw do fermentacji piwa z 4x CCT-3000C, centralna szafa sterowniczaCFSCC2-4xCCT3000C Kompletny zestaw do fermentacji piwa z 4x CCT-3000C, centralna szafa sterownicza
    Complete set for the fermentation and maturation of beer. This set  includes all equipment necessary for professional production of beer using the fermentation and maturation of wort produced before by the brewhouse. This set is also designed for production of cider from fruit or carbonized wine. Assembling of the set is very easy. The installation does not require any professional workers - there is needed only adequate handling equipment for moving and installation of heavy cylindrical-conical fermenters on place after delivering of the set.  All wires, temperature measuring and regulation equipment (exclude covered central control cabinet and cooler) operate with safety voltage 24V, therefore… Czytaj więcej "
  • CFSCC2-8xCCT3000C Kompletny zestaw do fermentacji piwa z 8x CCT-3000C, centralna szafa sterowniczaCFSCC2-8xCCT3000C Kompletny zestaw do fermentacji piwa z 8x CCT-3000C, centralna szafa sterownicza
    Complete set for the fermentation and maturation of beer. This set  includes all equipment necessary for professional production of beer using the fermentation and maturation of wort produced before by the brewhouse. This set is also designed for production of cider from fruit or carbonized wine. Assembling of the set is very easy. The installation does not require any professional workers - there is needed only adequate handling equipment for moving and installation of heavy cylindrical-conical fermenters on place after delivering of the set.  All wires, temperature measuring and regulation equipment (exclude covered central control cabinet and cooler) operate with safety voltage 24V, therefore… Czytaj więcej "
  • CFSCC2-10xCCT3000C Kompletny zestaw do fermentacji piwa z 10x CCT-3000C, centralna szafa sterowniczaCFSCC2-10xCCT3000C Kompletny zestaw do fermentacji piwa z 10x CCT-3000C, centralna szafa sterownicza
    Complete set for the fermentation and maturation of beer. This set  includes all equipment necessary for professional production of beer using the fermentation and maturation of wort produced before by the brewhouse. This set is also designed for production of cider from fruit or carbonized wine. Assembling of the set is very easy. The installation does not require any professional workers - there is needed only adequate handling equipment for moving and installation of heavy cylindrical-conical fermenters on place after delivering of the set.  All wires, temperature measuring and regulation equipment (exclude covered central control cabinet and cooler) operate with safety voltage 24V, therefore… Czytaj więcej "
Odzyskiwanie kanałów RSS WordPress autorstwa Tematyka Masona

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VI. Kompletne zestawy fermentacyjne z dwustronnie chłodzącymi zbiornikami o pojemności 4000 litrów, jedną chłodnicą glikolu i centralnym systemem kontroli szafek:

  • CFSCC2-2xCCT4000C Kompletny zestaw do fermentacji piwa z 2x CCT-4000C, centralna szafa sterowniczaCFSCC2-2xCCT4000C Kompletny zestaw do fermentacji piwa z 2x CCT-4000C, centralna szafa sterownicza
    Complete set for the fermentation and maturation of beer. This set  includes all equipment necessary for professional production of beer using the fermentation and maturation of wort produced before by the brewhouse. This set is also designed for production of cider from fruit or carbonized wine. Assembling of the set is very easy. The installation does not require any professional workers - there is needed only adequate handling equipment for moving and installation of heavy cylindrical-conical fermenters on place after delivering of the set.  All wires, temperature measuring and regulation equipment (exclude covered central control cabinet and cooler) operate with safety voltage 24V, therefore… Czytaj więcej "
  • CFSCC2-4xCCT4000C Kompletny zestaw do fermentacji piwa z 4x CCT-4000C, centralna szafa sterowniczaCFSCC2-4xCCT4000C Kompletny zestaw do fermentacji piwa z 4x CCT-4000C, centralna szafa sterownicza
    Complete set for the fermentation and maturation of beer. This set  includes all equipment necessary for professional production of beer using the fermentation and maturation of wort produced before by the brewhouse. This set is also designed for production of cider from fruit or carbonized wine. Assembling of the set is very easy. The installation does not require any professional workers - there is needed only adequate handling equipment for moving and installation of heavy cylindrical-conical fermenters on place after delivering of the set.  All wires, temperature measuring and regulation equipment (exclude covered central control cabinet and cooler) operate with safety voltage 24V, therefore… Czytaj więcej "
  • CFSCC2-6xCCT4000C Kompletny zestaw do fermentacji piwa z 6x CCT-4000C, centralna szafa sterowniczaCFSCC2-6xCCT4000C Kompletny zestaw do fermentacji piwa z 6x CCT-4000C, centralna szafa sterownicza
    Complete set for the fermentation and maturation of beer. This set  includes all equipment necessary for professional production of beer using the fermentation and maturation of wort produced before by the brewhouse. This set is also designed for production of cider from fruit or carbonized wine. Assembling of the set is very easy. The installation does not require any professional workers - there is needed only adequate handling equipment for moving and installation of heavy cylindrical-conical fermenters on place after delivering of the set.  All wires, temperature measuring and regulation equipment (exclude covered central control cabinet and cooler) operate with safety voltage 24V, therefore… Czytaj więcej "
  • CFSCC2-8xCCT4000C Kompletny zestaw do fermentacji piwa z 8x CCT-4000C, centralna szafa sterowniczaCFSCC2-8xCCT4000C Kompletny zestaw do fermentacji piwa z 8x CCT-4000C, centralna szafa sterownicza
    Complete set for the fermentation and maturation of beer. This set  includes all equipment necessary for professional production of beer using the fermentation and maturation of wort produced before by the brewhouse. This set is also designed for production of cider from fruit or carbonized wine. Assembling of the set is very easy. The installation does not require any professional workers - there is needed only adequate handling equipment for moving and installation of heavy cylindrical-conical fermenters on place after delivering of the set.  All wires, temperature measuring and regulation equipment (exclude covered central control cabinet and cooler) operate with safety voltage 24V, therefore… Czytaj więcej "
  • CFSCC2-10xCCT4000C Kompletny zestaw do fermentacji piwa z 10x CCT-4000C, centralna szafa sterowniczaCFSCC2-10xCCT4000C Kompletny zestaw do fermentacji piwa z 10x CCT-4000C, centralna szafa sterownicza
    Complete set for the fermentation and maturation of beer. This set  includes all equipment necessary for professional production of beer using the fermentation and maturation of wort produced before by the brewhouse. This set is also designed for production of cider from fruit or carbonized wine. Assembling of the set is very easy. The installation does not require any professional workers - there is needed only adequate handling equipment for moving and installation of heavy cylindrical-conical fermenters on place after delivering of the set.  All wires, temperature measuring and regulation equipment (exclude covered central control cabinet and cooler) operate with safety voltage 24V, therefore… Czytaj więcej "
Odzyskiwanie kanałów RSS WordPress autorstwa Tematyka Masona

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VII. Kompletne zestawy fermentacyjne z dwustronnie chłodzącymi zbiornikami o pojemności 6000 litrów, jedną chłodnicą glikolu i centralnym systemem kontroli szafek:

  • CFSCC2-2xCCT6000C Kompletny zestaw do fermentacji piwa z 2x CCT-6000C, centralna szafa sterowniczaCFSCC2-2xCCT6000C Kompletny zestaw do fermentacji piwa z 2x CCT-6000C, centralna szafa sterownicza
    Complete set for the fermentation and maturation of beer. This set  includes all equipment necessary for professional production of beer using the fermentation and maturation of wort produced before by the brewhouse. This set is also designed for production of cider from fruit or carbonized wine. Assembling of the set is very easy. The installation does not require any professional workers - there is needed only adequate handling equipment for moving and installation of heavy cylindrical-conical fermenters on place after delivering of the set.  All wires, temperature measuring and regulation equipment (exclude covered central control cabinet and cooler) operate with safety voltage 24V, therefore… Czytaj więcej "
  • CFSCC2-4xCCT6000C Kompletny zestaw do fermentacji piwa z 4x CCT-6000C, centralna szafa sterowniczaCFSCC2-4xCCT6000C Kompletny zestaw do fermentacji piwa z 4x CCT-6000C, centralna szafa sterownicza
    Complete set for the fermentation and maturation of beer. This set  includes all equipment necessary for professional production of beer using the fermentation and maturation of wort produced before by the brewhouse. This set is also designed for production of cider from fruit or carbonized wine. Assembling of the set is very easy. The installation does not require any professional workers - there is needed only adequate handling equipment for moving and installation of heavy cylindrical-conical fermenters on place after delivering of the set.  All wires, temperature measuring and regulation equipment (exclude covered central control cabinet and cooler) operate with safety voltage 24V, therefore… Czytaj więcej "
  • CFSCC2-6xCCT6000C Kompletny zestaw do fermentacji piwa z 6x CCT-6000C, centralna szafa sterowniczaCFSCC2-6xCCT6000C Kompletny zestaw do fermentacji piwa z 6x CCT-6000C, centralna szafa sterownicza
    Complete set for the fermentation and maturation of beer. This set  includes all equipment necessary for professional production of beer using the fermentation and maturation of wort produced before by the brewhouse. This set is also designed for production of cider from fruit or carbonized wine. Assembling of the set is very easy. The installation does not require any professional workers - there is needed only adequate handling equipment for moving and installation of heavy cylindrical-conical fermenters on place after delivering of the set.  All wires, temperature measuring and regulation equipment (exclude covered central control cabinet and cooler) operate with safety voltage 24V, therefore… Czytaj więcej "
  • CFSCC2-8xCCT6000C Kompletny zestaw do fermentacji piwa z 8x CCT-6000C, centralna szafa sterowniczaCFSCC2-8xCCT6000C Kompletny zestaw do fermentacji piwa z 8x CCT-6000C, centralna szafa sterownicza
    Complete set for the fermentation and maturation of beer. This set  includes all equipment necessary for professional production of beer using the fermentation and maturation of wort produced before by the brewhouse. This set is also designed for production of cider from fruit or carbonized wine. Assembling of the set is very easy. The installation does not require any professional workers - there is needed only adequate handling equipment for moving and installation of heavy cylindrical-conical fermenters on place after delivering of the set.  All wires, temperature measuring and regulation equipment (exclude covered central control cabinet and cooler) operate with safety voltage 24V, therefore… Czytaj więcej "
  • CFSCC2-10xCCT6000C Kompletny zestaw do fermentacji piwa z 10x CCT-6000C, centralna szafa sterowniczaCFSCC2-10xCCT6000C Kompletny zestaw do fermentacji piwa z 10x CCT-6000C, centralna szafa sterownicza
    Complete set for the fermentation and maturation of beer. This set  includes all equipment necessary for professional production of beer using the fermentation and maturation of wort produced before by the brewhouse. This set is also designed for production of cider from fruit or carbonized wine. Assembling of the set is very easy. The installation does not require any professional workers - there is needed only adequate handling equipment for moving and installation of heavy cylindrical-conical fermenters on place after delivering of the set.  All wires, temperature measuring and regulation equipment (exclude covered central control cabinet and cooler) operate with safety voltage 24V, therefore… Czytaj więcej "
Odzyskiwanie kanałów RSS WordPress autorstwa Tematyka Masona

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VIII. Kompletne zestawy fermentacyjne z dwustronnie chłodzącymi zbiornikami o pojemności 8000 litrów, jedną chłodnicą glikolu i centralnym systemem kontroli szafek:

  • CFSCC2-2xCCT8000C Kompletny zestaw do fermentacji piwa z 2x CCT-8000C, centralna szafa sterowniczaCFSCC2-2xCCT8000C Kompletny zestaw do fermentacji piwa z 2x CCT-8000C, centralna szafa sterownicza
    Complete set for the fermentation and maturation of beer. This set  includes all equipment necessary for professional production of beer using the fermentation and maturation of wort produced before by the brewhouse. This set is also designed for production of cider from fruit or carbonized wine. Assembling of the set is very easy. The installation does not require any professional workers - there is needed only adequate handling equipment for moving and installation of heavy cylindrical-conical fermenters on place after delivering of the set.  All wires, temperature measuring and regulation equipment (exclude covered central control cabinet and cooler) operate with safety voltage 24V, therefore… Czytaj więcej "
  • CFSCC2-4xCCT8000C Kompletny zestaw do fermentacji piwa z 4x CCT-8000C, centralna szafa sterowniczaCFSCC2-4xCCT8000C Kompletny zestaw do fermentacji piwa z 4x CCT-8000C, centralna szafa sterownicza
    Complete set for the fermentation and maturation of beer. This set  includes all equipment necessary for professional production of beer using the fermentation and maturation of wort produced before by the brewhouse. This set is also designed for production of cider from fruit or carbonized wine. Assembling of the set is very easy. The installation does not require any professional workers - there is needed only adequate handling equipment for moving and installation of heavy cylindrical-conical fermenters on place after delivering of the set.  All wires, temperature measuring and regulation equipment (exclude covered central control cabinet and cooler) operate with safety voltage 24V, therefore… Czytaj więcej "
  • CFSCC2-6xCCT8000C Kompletny zestaw do fermentacji piwa z 6x CCT-8000C, centralna szafa sterowniczaCFSCC2-6xCCT8000C Kompletny zestaw do fermentacji piwa z 6x CCT-8000C, centralna szafa sterownicza
    Complete set for the fermentation and maturation of beer. This set  includes all equipment necessary for professional production of beer using the fermentation and maturation of wort produced before by the brewhouse. This set is also designed for production of cider from fruit or carbonized wine. Assembling of the set is very easy. The installation does not require any professional workers - there is needed only adequate handling equipment for moving and installation of heavy cylindrical-conical fermenters on place after delivering of the set.  All wires, temperature measuring and regulation equipment (exclude covered central control cabinet and cooler) operate with safety voltage 24V, therefore… Czytaj więcej "
  • CFSCC2-8xCCT8000C Kompletny zestaw do fermentacji piwa z 8x CCT-8000C, centralna szafa sterowniczaCFSCC2-8xCCT8000C Kompletny zestaw do fermentacji piwa z 8x CCT-8000C, centralna szafa sterownicza
    Complete set for the fermentation and maturation of beer. This set  includes all equipment necessary for professional production of beer using the fermentation and maturation of wort produced before by the brewhouse. This set is also designed for production of cider from fruit or carbonized wine. Assembling of the set is very easy. The installation does not require any professional workers - there is needed only adequate handling equipment for moving and installation of heavy cylindrical-conical fermenters on place after delivering of the set.  All wires, temperature measuring and regulation equipment (exclude covered central control cabinet and cooler) operate with safety voltage 24V, therefore… Czytaj więcej "
  • CFSCC2-10xCCT8000C Kompletny zestaw do fermentacji piwa z 10x CCT-8000C, centralna szafa sterowniczaCFSCC2-10xCCT8000C Kompletny zestaw do fermentacji piwa z 10x CCT-8000C, centralna szafa sterownicza
    Complete set for the fermentation and maturation of beer. This set  includes all equipment necessary for professional production of beer using the fermentation and maturation of wort produced before by the brewhouse. This set is also designed for production of cider from fruit or carbonized wine. Assembling of the set is very easy. The installation does not require any professional workers - there is needed only adequate handling equipment for moving and installation of heavy cylindrical-conical fermenters on place after delivering of the set.  All wires, temperature measuring and regulation equipment (exclude covered central control cabinet and cooler) operate with safety voltage 24V, therefore… Czytaj więcej "
Odzyskiwanie kanałów RSS WordPress autorstwa Tematyka Masona

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