Enchimento de bebidas em barris - de 30 a 120 barris por hora

Poderosas estações automáticas de lavagem e enchimento para barris de cerveja

We offer a basic equipment for semi-automatic washing and filling kegs with capacity to 10 kegs / hour in mode washing + filling kegs. This performance is sufficient for small production volumes of beer – for microbreweries with fermenting tanks with volume of up to 1000 liters – 10 x 50 l KEG = 500 liters of beer / hour. The filling and washing performance is inadequate for microbreweries in larger beer tanks. Filling a daily batch of beer in kegs would take several hours.

Linha de lavagem e enchimento de cerveja poderosa

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Outros equipamentos para enxaguar, desinfetar e encher o barril:
