НИГ - Генератори азота

Генератор азота - инертни потисни гас за пиво готово бесплатно

Генератори азота за пивареПотреба за неовисношћу од добављача индустријских гасова доводи до потраге за другачијим од традиционалних решења. Мале пиваре морају да купују потисни гас угљен-диоксид од добављача, што повећава трошкове производње пива. Велике пиваре сакупљају угљен-диоксид произведен током примарне ферментације као отпадни производ пива у цилиндрично-конусним резервоарима.

For small breweries the technology to capture CO2  would be too expensive. But not on the production of nitrogen. Everyone can make their own push gas nitrogen in the microbrewery with minimal cost, using the nitrogen generator.

Генератор азота - шемаNitrogen generators operate on the principle of separation of nitrogen molecules from the compressed air using special membranes made of nanotechnology.

Коришћење азота у пиваријама

Nitrogen is used in breweries for pushing beer, either pure (when extrude suddenly the entire contents of the container), or as a mixture with CO2 under the name BIOGON (when extrude beer from the vessel gradually over a longer period – beer stored in bright beer tanks).

Дужи контакт пива са азотом узрокује смањење садржаја ЦО2 у пиву - пиво постаје незасићено. Супротно томе, дужа изложеност ЦО2 засићује пиво.


Нудимо ове генераторе азота:

  • НИГ-ПНОГ-1150 ПН ОнГо генератор азота 0.4 - 5.7 м3 Н2 на сатНИГ-ПНОГ-1150 ПН ОнГо генератор азота 0.4 - 5.7 м3 Н2 на сат
    The NIG-PNOG-1150 is a powerful PSA (Pressure Swing Absorption) nitrogen generator with the production capacity from 400 to 5700 liters of the nitrogen gas per hour (dipending on the purity required). Nitrogen is generated through pressure swing process thus providing purity levels 95% up to 99.999%. Max. pressure: 11 bar. The 150 liters pressure product buffer tank is recommended to be included in the set - see the optional equipment. An air compressor is not part of the nitrogen generator. Recomended solution for most of small breweries - the nitrogen is useful as an inert push gas (for transport of… Опширније "
  • НИГ-ПНОГ-1250 ПН ОнГо генератор азота 0.9 - 10.8 м3 Н2 на сатНИГ-ПНОГ-1250 ПН ОнГо генератор азота 0.9 - 10.8 м3 Н2 на сат
    The NIG-PNOG-1250 is a powerful PSA (Pressure Swing Absorption) nitrogen generator with the production capacity from 900 to 10800 liters of the nitrogen gas per hour (dipending on the purity required). Nitrogen is generated through pressure swing process thus providing purity levels 95% up to 99.999%. Max. pressure: 11 bar. The 150 liters pressure product buffer tank is recommended to be included in the set - see the optional equipment. An air compressor is not part of the nitrogen generator. Recomended solution for most of small breweries - the nitrogen is useful as an inert push gas (for transport of… Опширније "
  • НИГ-ПНОГ-1280 ПН ОнГо генератор азота 1.3 - 16.5 м3 Н2 на сатНИГ-ПНОГ-1280 ПН ОнГо генератор азота 1.3 - 16.5 м3 Н2 на сат
    The NIG-PNOG-1280 is a powerful PSA (Pressure Swing Absorption) nitrogen generator with the production capacity from 1300 to 16500 liters of the nitrogen gas per hour (dipending on the purity required). Nitrogen is generated through pressure swing process thus providing purity levels 95% up to 99.999%. Max. pressure: 11 bar. The 150 liters pressure product buffer tank is recommended to be included in the set - see the optional equipment. An air compressor is not part of the nitrogen generator. Recomended solution for most of small breweries - the nitrogen is useful as an inert push gas (for transport of… Опширније "
  • НИГ-ПНОГ-1350 ПН ОнГо генератор азота 1.8 - 20.8 м3 Н2 на сатНИГ-ПНОГ-1350 ПН ОнГо генератор азота 1.8 - 20.8 м3 Н2 на сат
    The NIG-PNOG-1350 is a powerful PSA (Pressure Swing Absorption) nitrogen generator with the production capacity from 1800 to 20800 liters of the nitrogen gas per hour (dipending on the purity required). Nitrogen is generated through pressure swing process thus providing purity levels 95% up to 99.999%. Max. pressure: 11 bar. The 150 liters pressure product buffer tank is recommended to be included in the set - see the optional equipment. An air compressor is not part of the nitrogen generator. Recomended solution for most of small breweries - the nitrogen is useful as an inert push gas (for transport of… Опширније "
  • НИГ-ПНОГ-1450 ПН ОнГо генератор азота 2.4 - 31.2 м3 Н2 на сатНИГ-ПНОГ-1450 ПН ОнГо генератор азота 2.4 - 31.2 м3 Н2 на сат
    The NIG-PNOG-1450 is a powerful PSA (Pressure Swing Absorption) nitrogen generator with the production capacity from 2400 to 31200 liters of the nitrogen gas per hour (dipending on the purity required). Nitrogen is generated through pressure swing process thus providing purity levels 95% up to 99.999%. Max. pressure: 11 bar. The 270 liters pressure product buffer tank is recommended to be included in the set - see the optional equipment. An air compressor is not part of the nitrogen generator. Recomended solution for most of small breweries - the nitrogen is useful as an inert push gas (for transport of… Опширније "
  • НИГ-ПНОГ-1550 ПН ОнГо генератор азота 3.2 - 49.2 м3 Н2 на сатНИГ-ПНОГ-1550 ПН ОнГо генератор азота 3.2 - 49.2 м3 Н2 на сат
    The NIG-PNOG-1550 is a powerful PSA (Pressure Swing Absorption) nitrogen generator with the production capacity from 3200 to 49200 liters of the nitrogen gas per hour (dipending on the purity required). Nitrogen is generated through pressure swing process thus providing purity levels 95% up to 99.999%. Max. pressure: 11 bar. The 270 liters pressure product buffer tank is recommended to be included in the set - see the optional equipment. An air compressor is not part of the nitrogen generator. Recomended solution for most of small breweries - the nitrogen is useful as an inert push gas (for transport of… Опширније "
  • НИГ-ПНОГ-1650 ПН ОнГо генератор азота 5.8 - 84.0 м3 Н2 на сатНИГ-ПНОГ-1650 ПН ОнГо генератор азота 5.8 - 84.0 м3 Н2 на сат
    The NIG-PNOG-1650 is a powerful PSA (Pressure Swing Absorption) nitrogen generator with the production capacity from 5800 to 84000 liters of the nitrogen gas per hour (dipending on the  purity required). Nitrogen is generated through pressure swing process thus providing purity levels 95% up to 99.999%. Max. pressure: 11 bar. The 500 liters pressure product buffer tank is recommended to be included in the set - see the optional equipment. An air compressor is not part of the nitrogen generator. Recomended solution for most of small breweries - the nitrogen is useful as an inert push gas (for transport of product between… Опширније "
  • РВО-Н2 : Редукциони вентил ОКСИТУРБО за боце под притиском са Н2/Биогон гасом, В 24.32, Г 1/2″, 0-6 барРВО-Н2 : Редукциони вентил ОКСИТУРБО за боце под притиском са Н2/Биогон гасом, В 24.32, Г 1/2″, 0-6 бар
    The OXYTURBO N2/Biogon reducing valve is a component needed to measuring, reducing and dosing of pressurized nitrogen or biogon (N2 + CO2) from the pressure bottles. Pressurized nitrogen is necessary technical gas in all breweries or wineries to pushing of beer or wine from tanks to other tanks, for filtering beer etc. We do not supply this important part in the set with pressure bottle. The customer provides themself by a local supplier of industrial gases, who also ensures the further fulfillment of these bottles with nitrogen or biogon. Current appearance of the product of the equipment may be different… Опширније "
  • РВМ-Н2 : Редукциони вентил МИЦРОМАТИЦ за боце под притиском са Н2/Биогон гасом, В 24.32, Г 7/16″, 0-7 барРВМ-Н2 : Редукциони вентил МИЦРОМАТИЦ за боце под притиском са Н2/Биогон гасом, В 24.32, Г 7/16″, 0-7 бар
    The MICROMATIC N2/Biogon reducing valve is a component needed to measuring, reducing and dosing of pressurized nitrogen or biogon (N2 + CO2) from the pressure bottles. Pressurized nitrogen is necessary technical gas in all breweries or wineries to pushing of beer or wine from tanks to other tanks, for filtering beer etc. We do not supply this important part in the set with pressure bottle. The customer provides themself by a local supplier of industrial gases, who also ensures the further fulfillment of these bottles with nitrogen or biogon. Current appearance of the product of the equipment may be different… Опширније "
  • НИГ-М450: Мембрански генератор азота 140 литара 99.5% Н2/сат (при притиску 7 бара)НИГ-М450: Мембрански генератор азота 140 литара 99.5% Н2/сат (при притиску 7 бара)
    НИГ-М450 је мембрански генератор азота са производним капацитетом од 2020 литара азотног гаса на сат (са 95% чистоће) до 140 литара гаса азота на сат (са 99.5% чистоће). Макс. притисак: 13 бара. Ваздушни компресор није део генератора азота. Веома јефтино решење за мале пиваре - азот је користан као инертни потисни гас (за транспорт производа између посуда под притиском или у опрему за точење у кафани) уместо скупог ЦО2. Произведено у Немачкој. Опширније "
ВордПресс РСС Феед Ретриевер од Тхеме Масон

