MODULO | Technical specifications of the Modulo wort brew machines

Technical specifications of the BREWORX MODULO wort brew machines

I. Basic configuration of BREWORX MODULO breweries – get start with minimal investment


小型啤酒廠的基本功能配置僅包含小批量生產啤酒所需的最基本的設備。 這對於任何想要仔細生產啤酒並嘗試學習的有抱負的釀酒師來說都是有用的。 因此,啤酒製造商可以驗證計劃的商業模式是否成功,而無需承擔重大商業風險。

小型啤酒廠 Breworx Modulo Classic PMC-DMC 方案 - 基本組裝

二. 小型啤酒廠的先進配置 BREWORX MODULO – 公司逐步發展,提高生產能力和小型啤酒廠的可能性

布魯爾可能會逐漸擴展他的小型啤酒廠,添加其他組件和設備。 通過添加額外的發酵裝置,他們可以實現微型啤酒廠生產能力的增長。 通過添加壓力罐、過濾器、洗衣機和灌裝機,他們有機會銷售桶裝和瓶裝啤酒,並確保慢慢建立業務網絡。 CIP 站、氮氣發生器、酵母活化劑等顯著提高了啤酒廠工人的工作舒適度,熱水箱可以更有效地利用能源並有助於節省成本。

小型啤酒廠模塊方案 - 擴展配置


可選擇且可擴展的每年 56 升 6000 升啤酒的生產能力


Microbreweries BREWORX MODULO have a modular architecture. It is possible to start to operate the brewery in a very simple basic configuration with a small production and then gradually expand. All this can be very easy and quick, without costly design, construction and assembly works.


  1. 啤酒廠的有效容積 – 根據啤酒廠的不同,可選 250、500 或 1000 升。
  2. 每日批次麥芽汁的體積 – 它由啤酒廠的類型、啤酒廠的可用體積和所用的釀造配方決定。 每天可以選擇 250 至 4000 升麥芽汁之間的每日批次體積。 使用 MODULO CLASSIC 啤酒廠,可以生產一批體積比啤酒廠體積大 1 或 2 倍的麥芽汁。 啤酒廠 LITE-ME 每天生產的麥芽汁數量是啤酒廠容量的 1,2 或 3 倍。
  3. 發酵罐容積及數量 – 罐體容積對應於每日批次麥芽汁的體積,罐體數量決定每日可同時發酵的麥芽汁數量。
  4. 熟化罐的容積和數量 – 罐容積對應於每日批次的體積,麥芽汁罐數量表示每日麥芽汁的數量,其中啤酒成熟可能同時發生。
  5. 各種啤酒類型 – 不同的啤酒類型有不同的發酵和熟成時間。 在此期間,啤酒佔據發酵罐和熟化罐。 例如,底部發酵的啤酒需要佔用發酵罐12天,熟化罐需要1-2個月。 頂部發酵的艾爾啤酒佔用發酵罐 6 天,熟化罐 2 週。
  6. 在其他設備上擴展啤酒廠 – 如果啤酒廠沒有配備明亮的啤酒罐,那么生產的啤酒將在熟化罐中進行,並且不允許在同一罐中生產更多的啤酒。 因此,增設亮啤酒罐是增加啤酒廠產能的好辦法。
  7. 佈局空間—— 房間的佔地面積和高度可能是確定小型啤酒廠生產能力的重要限制因素。 因此,在小型啤酒廠的設計配置中了解這些信息非常重要。
  8. 電氣連接熔斷 – 小型啤酒廠的運營對電力系統供電點提出了一定的要求。 因此,有必要了解小型啤酒廠將連接的保險絲電源插座,或者這種容量增加的需求。


小型啤酒廠 BREWORX MODULO 允許擴大生產能力:




Available models of the BREWORX MODULO brewhouses

Microbreweries BREWORX MODULO are delivered with a volume of brewhouse capacity 3 HL – 10 HL. Total annual production of the microbrewery is then given by the brewing schedule, number and type of fermentation and maturation vessels, number and type of serving tanks, selected range of beer types and other parameters.

  • BH-BMCL-500 : MODULO CLASSIC 500/600 麥汁釀造機 – 釀造室BH-BMCL-500 : MODULO CLASSIC 500/600 麥汁釀造機 – 釀造室
    MODULO CLASSIC 500/600 is a compact wort machine which includes all necessary equipment to produce 590-708 liters of wort (needed for production approximately 500-600 liters of beer) in one brew batch from malt (or malt extract or wort concentrate), hops and water. The wort brew machine is the main part of the BREWORX MODULO CLASSIC 500/600 modular breweries. The wort is an intermediate product in the beer production process. The next phase of the production cycle is fermentation and maturation of wort. This way the final product - beer is produced. MODULO CLASSIC 500/600 brewhouse wort machine is a variation… 閱讀更多 ”
  • BH-BMCL-250 : MODULO CLASSIC 250/300 麥汁釀造機 – 釀造室BH-BMCL-250 : MODULO CLASSIC 250/300 麥汁釀造機 – 釀造室
    MODULO CLASSIC 250/300 is a compact wort machine which includes all necessary equipment to produce 295-354 liters of wort (needed for production approximately 250-300 liters of beer) in one brew batch from malt (or malt extract or wort concentrate), hops and water. The wort brew machine is the main part of the BREWORX MODULO CLASSIC 250/300 modular breweries. The wort is an intermediate product in the beer production process. The next phase of the production cycle is fermentation and maturation of wort. This way the final product - beer is produced. MODULO CLASSIC 250/300 brewhouse wort machine is a variation… 閱讀更多 ”
  • BH-BMCL-1000 : MODULO CLASSIC 1000 麥汁釀造機 – 釀造室BH-BMCL-1000 : MODULO CLASSIC 1000 麥汁釀造機 – 釀造室
    MODULO CLASSIC 1000 is a compact wort machine which includes all necessary equipment to produce 1180 liters of wort (needed for production approximately 1000 liters of beer) in one brew batch from malt (or malt extract or wort concentrate), hops and water. The wort brew machine is the main part of the BREWORX MODULO CLASSIC 1000 modular breweries. The wort is an intermediate product in the beer production process. The next phase of the production cycle is fermentation and maturation of wort. This way the final product - beer is produced. MODULO CLASSIC 1000 brewhouse wort machine is a variation… 閱讀更多 ”
  • MODULO LITE-ME 250 : 麥芽汁釀造機 – 釀酒廠MODULO LITE-ME 250 : 麥芽汁釀造機 – 釀酒廠
    單塊啤酒廠MODULO LITE-ME 250 是一款緊湊型機器,包括所有必要的設備,可從麥芽萃取物或麥芽汁濃縮物(啤酒濃縮物)批量生產295 公升啤酒麥芽汁(用於生產約250升啤酒)。 這是兩艘啤酒廠。 MODULO LITE-ME 250 啤酒廠是簡化的機器,其設計與啤酒廠 MODULO CLASSIC 250 類似。 該模型的啤酒廠不具備用傳統原料(麥芽而不是濃縮物)生產啤酒麥芽汁的能力。 該啤酒廠是 Modulo Lite-ME 250 啤酒廠的主要組件,但也可用於其他類型的啤酒廠。 閱讀更多 ”
  • MODULO LITE-ME 500 : 麥芽汁釀造機 – 釀酒廠MODULO LITE-ME 500 : 麥芽汁釀造機 – 釀酒廠
    單塊啤酒廠 MODULO LITE-ME 500 是一台緊湊型機器,其中包括所有必要的設備,可從麥芽提取物或麥芽汁濃縮物(啤酒濃縮物)中批量生產 590 升啤酒麥芽汁(用於生產約 500 升啤酒)。 這是一個兩容器的釀酒廠。 MODULO LITE-ME 500 啤酒廠是一種簡化機器,其設計與啤酒廠 MODULO CLASSIC 500 類似。 這種型號的啤酒廠不具備使用傳統原料(麥芽代替濃縮物)生產啤酒麥芽汁的設備。 該啤酒廠是 Modulo Lite-ME 500 啤酒廠的主要組成部分,但也可用於其他類型的啤酒廠。 閱讀更多 ”
  • MODULO LITE-ME 1000 : 麥芽汁釀造機 – 釀酒廠MODULO LITE-ME 1000 : 麥芽汁釀造機 – 釀酒廠
    單塊啤酒廠 MODULO LITE-ME 1000 是一台緊湊型機器,其中包括所有必要的設備,可從麥芽提取物或麥芽汁濃縮物(啤酒濃縮物)中批量生產 1180 升啤酒麥芽汁(用於生產約 1000 升啤酒)。 這是一個兩容器的釀酒廠。 MODULO LITE-ME 1000 啤酒廠是一種簡化機器,其設計與啤酒廠 MODULO CLASSIC 1000 類似。 這種型號的啤酒廠不具備用傳統原料(麥芽代替濃縮物)生產啤酒麥芽汁的設備。 該啤酒廠是 Modulo Lite-ME 1000 啤酒廠的主要組成部分,但也可用於其他類型的啤酒廠。 閱讀更多 ”
  • BREWORX LITE-ECO 300:麥芽汁釀造機 330L,用於從麥芽濃縮物生產麥芽汁BREWORX LITE-ECO 300:麥芽汁釀造機 330L,用於從麥芽濃縮物生產麥芽汁
    The wort brew machine BREWORX LITE-ECO 300 is a compact food machine which includes all necessary equipment to produce 330 liters of wort (for production approximately 300 liters of beer) in one batch from malt extract or wort concentrate (beer concentrates). The machine is not equipped with the filtering tank therefore it is not possible to produce wort from malt classic way. A simplified industrial design of the machine allows effective work during entire wort production process using simple step PLC controller for heating of the vessels. Transfer of heat from the electric heating spirals to inner jacket of the… 閱讀更多 ”
  • BREWORX LITE-ECO 600:麥芽汁釀造機 660L,用於從麥芽濃縮物生產麥芽汁BREWORX LITE-ECO 600:麥芽汁釀造機 660L,用於從麥芽濃縮物生產麥芽汁
    The wort brew machine BREWORX LITE-ECO 600 is a compact food machine which includes all necessary equipment to produce 660 liters of wort (for production approximately 600 liters of beer) in one batch from malt extract or wort concentrate (beer concentrates). The machine is not equipped with the filtering tank therefore it is not possible to produce wort from malt classic way. A simplified industrial design of the machine allows effective work during entire wort production process using simple step PLC controller for heating of the vessels. Transfer of heat from the electric heating spirals to inner jacket of the… 閱讀更多 ”
  • BREWORX LITE-ECO 1000:麥芽汁釀造機 1100L,用於從麥芽濃縮物生產麥芽汁BREWORX LITE-ECO 1000:麥芽汁釀造機 1100L,用於從麥芽濃縮物生產麥芽汁
    The wort brew machine BREWORX LITE-ECO 1000 is a compact food machine which includes all necessary equipment to produce 1100 liters of wort (for production approximately 1000 liters of beer) in one batch from malt extract or wort concentrate (beer concentrates). The machine is not equipped with the filtering tank therefore it is not possible to produce wort from malt classic way. A simplified industrial design of the machine allows effective work during entire wort production process using simple step PLC controller for heating of the vessels. Transfer of heat from the electric heating spirals to inner jacket of the… 閱讀更多 ”
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關於微型啤酒廠 MODULO 的一般信息……

啤酒廠模塊 MODULO 的技術規格 …

發酵模塊 MODULO 的技術規格 …

模塊化微型啤酒廠 MODULO 的組成部分——描述和價格……

小型啤酒廠的典型配置 MODULO – 描述和價格……

