Draught beer valve for filling of the PET bottles

Napunite pivo u boce za svoje kupce direktno u baru

Fraft pivski ventil za punjenje bocaplnicka-pet-vycepni-002Za najmanje mikropivovare obično se ne isplati puniti pivo u staklene boce, jer linije za punjenje imaju velike zahtjeve za prostorom, higijenskim propisima, rukovaocem i rukovanjem staklom.

The simplest alternative is filling beer into PET bottles directly from the draught beer tower with special valves for filling PET bottles. To operate the filling valve is possible to use the same person who is working in the bar. Manipulation with the PET bottles is very easy. PET bottles are not necessary to wash or sanitize before filling, if they are stored in accordance with manufacturer’s recommendations.

Barmen u slobodne trenutke puni PET boce piva odmah za šankom, a napunjene boce čuva u frižideru odmah iza šanka. Gotovo pivo u bocama kupci mogu kupiti od barmena, konobara ili na recepciji.

Bartender can also fill PET bottles in front of the customer. Draught beer filled in to a bottle in front of a customer will give the drink label of freshness, which customer appreciate at most. This method of selling goes without any storage space for filled bottles.


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