SLC - jagatud vedelikud

Õlletehase jahutamine vee / glükooli jahutiga a eraldatud kondensaatoriga


Vedelad jahutustehnika õlletehasedGlikooli jahutusseadmed kasutatakse meie microbreweries paljundusšabloonideks jahutamiseks isoleeritud laevad kahe kattega ehitus lager kelder ja peamine Käärimisprotsessi. Veel kasutatakse glükooli teisel etapil oleva virde jahutamiseks õlletehastes 2-etapi plaatsoojusvahetiga.

Jagatud vedelate jahutite eelised eralduskondensaatoriga

Selleks eraldatud kondensaatori võimaldab oma asukoha väljaspool hoonet, suurendades jahutuse (kogutud soojust vabaneb väliskeskkonda ja interjööri ei soojene) ja takistab ülekuumenemise tuba microbrewery. Jahutusvedeliku tõhusa ringluse eeltingimus on korralikult arvutatud jahutussüsteem ja korralikult läbi viidud, ühendades süsteemi kõik osad.


Mikroobivarade keskjahutuse puudused

Siiski on vaja helistada professionaalne jahutus firma paigaldamiseks jahutussüsteemi sest süsteem tuleb asjatundlikult kokku kohapeal. Tavaliselt on vaja puurida mõningaid läbivusi torude jaoks, kinnitada klambrid külmadele torudele ja vedru kondensatsiooniseadmele. Lõpuks peate jahutussüsteemi suruma jahutusvedeliku abil, mis ei ole võimalik ilma erivahendita. On vaja tagada perioodiline hooldus külmutusseadmete tehnilise teeninduse spetsialistiga. Kui rike jahedam täielik jahutus süsteemi sulgeda remonti tulemuseks on kaotus operatsioonisüsteemi õlletehase. Seepärast on soovitatav varustada õlletehas vähemalt kahe sõltumatu jahutussüsteemiga, mis on teineteisele tagatud.

A good and inexpensive solution of described disadvantages is the backup of cooling by alternative cooling system, consisting of independent liquid cooling units with integrated condenser. This modular solution is used in our microbreweries BREWORX MODULO.


Eraldi kondensaatoriga vedelate jahutite tehnilised parameetrid ja hinnakiri:

Condensing unit assembly with a plate exchanger cooperates with a liquid coolant storage tank or independent cooling unit WCU or with independent cooling unit with heat water storage tank WCU-HWT.



Pakume järgmisi split-vesi / glükooli jahutajaid:

  • GCU-25: väline jahutusseade 2.3-4.5 kW (jaotatud jahutussüsteemide jaoks)GCU-25: väline jahutusseade 2.3-4.5 kW (jaotatud jahutussüsteemide jaoks)
    The cooling condenser unit intended for the cooling of the water (usually with glycol solution) in the industrial cooling water tank (ICWT - industrial cooling water tank is not included in this set and it must be purchased individually according to requirements of the customer). The iced water is then used to cooling of the beverage production tanks like fermenters or beer storage tanks and also to cooling other devices in the brewery. This equipment uses a special technical coolant intended to chilling systems that has to be filled and pressurized into the primary circuit only by qualified person. This… Loe rohkem "
  • GCU-40: väline jahutusseade 5.6-10.9 kW (jaotatud jahutussüsteemide jaoks)GCU-40: väline jahutusseade 5.6-10.9 kW (jaotatud jahutussüsteemide jaoks)
    The cooling condenser unit intended for the cooling of the water (usually with glycol solution) in the industrial cooling water tank (ICWT - industrial cooling water tank is not included in this set and it must be purchased individually according to requirements of the customer). The iced water is then used to cooling of the beverage production tanks like fermenters or beer storage tanks and also to cooling other devices in the brewery. This equipment uses a special technical coolant intended to chilling systems that has to be filled and pressurized into the primary circuit only by qualified person. This… Loe rohkem "
  • GCU-64: väline jahutusseade 9.9-19.4 kW (jaotatud jahutussüsteemide jaoks)GCU-64: väline jahutusseade 9.9-19.4 kW (jaotatud jahutussüsteemide jaoks)
    The cooling condenser unit intended for the cooling of the water (usually with glycol solution) in the industrial cooling water tank (ICWT - industrial cooling water tank is not included in this set and it must be purchased individually according to requirements of the customer). The iced water is then used to cooling of the beverage production tanks like fermenters or beer storage tanks and also to cooling other devices in the brewery. This equipment uses a special technical coolant intended to chilling systems that has to be filled and pressurized into the primary circuit only by qualified person. This… Loe rohkem "
  • GCU-80: väline jahutusseade 11.9-23.3 kW (jaotatud jahutussüsteemide jaoks)GCU-80: väline jahutusseade 11.9-23.3 kW (jaotatud jahutussüsteemide jaoks)
    The cooling condenser unit intended for the cooling of the water (usually with glycol solution) in the industrial cooling water tank (ICWT - industrial cooling water tank is not included in this set and it must be purchased individually according to requirements of the customer). The iced water is then used to cooling of the beverage production tanks like fermenters or beer storage tanks and also to cooling other devices in the brewery. This equipment uses a special technical coolant intended to chilling systems that has to be filled and pressurized into the primary circuit only by qualified person. This… Loe rohkem "
  • GCU-125: väline jahutusseade 17.9-35.0 kW (jaotatud jahutussüsteemide jaoks)GCU-125: väline jahutusseade 17.9-35.0 kW (jaotatud jahutussüsteemide jaoks)
    The cooling condenser unit intended for the cooling of the water (usually with glycol solution) in the industrial cooling water tank (ICWT - industrial cooling water tank is not included in this set and it must be purchased individually according to requirements of the customer). The iced water is then used to cooling of the beverage production tanks like fermenters or beer storage tanks and also to cooling other devices in the brewery. This equipment uses a special technical coolant intended to chilling systems that has to be filled and pressurized into the primary circuit only by qualified person. This… Loe rohkem "
WordPressi RSS-kanali retriiver autor Teema Mason


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