SLC – Split liquid cooler

Pendinginan tempat pembuatan bir dengan air/glikol chiller a dengan kondensor terpisah


Pabrik pendingin cairUnit pendingin glikol digunakan di pabrik mikro kami untuk pendinginan duplikator bejana berinsulasi dengan konstruksi berjaket dua di ruang bawah tanah bir dan bejana fermentasi utama. Selanjutnya glikol digunakan untuk pendinginan wort pada tahap kedua di pabrik dengan penukar pelat 2 tahap.

Manfaat pendingin cair Split dengan kondensor terpisah

Kondensor terpisah memungkinkan lokasinya di luar gedung, meningkatkan efisiensi pendinginan (panas yang terkumpul dilepaskan ke lingkungan luar dan interior tidak memanas) dan mencegah panas berlebih pada ruangan di tempat pembuatan bir mikro. Prasyarat untuk sirkulasi cairan pendingin yang efektif adalah sistem pendingin yang dihitung dengan benar dan dilakukan dengan benar dengan menghubungkan semua bagian sistem.


Kerugian dari pendinginan sentral tempat pembuatan bir mikro

Namun, perlu untuk memanggil perusahaan pendingin profesional untuk pemasangan sistem pendingin karena sistem harus dirakit secara ahli di tempat. Biasanya, perlu untuk mengebor beberapa penetrasi untuk pipa, memasang braket untuk pipa dingin dan unit kondensasi suspensi. Akhirnya, Anda perlu memberi tekanan pada sistem pendingin dengan cairan pendingin, yang tidak mungkin dilakukan tanpa peralatan khusus. Penting untuk memastikan perawatan berkala dengan spesialis layanan untuk teknologi pendinginan. Jika terjadi kegagalan pendingin, sistem pendinginan lengkap dimatikan untuk perbaikan yang mengakibatkan hilangnya pengoperasian tempat pembuatan bir. Oleh karena itu, disarankan untuk melengkapi tempat pembuatan bir dengan setidaknya dua sistem pendingin independen yang saling mendukung.

A good and inexpensive solution of described disadvantages is the backup of cooling by alternative cooling system, consisting of independent liquid cooling units with integrated condenser. This modular solution is used in our microbreweries BREWORX MODULO.


Parameter teknis dan daftar harga pendingin cair dengan kondensor terpisah :

Condensing unit assembly with a plate exchanger cooperates with a liquid coolant storage tank or independent cooling unit WCU or with independent cooling unit with heat water storage tank WCU-HWT.



Kami menawarkan pendingin air/glikol split ini:

  • GCU-25 : Unit pendingin eksternal 2.3-4.5 kW (untuk sistem pendingin terpisah)GCU-25 : Unit pendingin eksternal 2.3-4.5 kW (untuk sistem pendingin terpisah)
    The cooling condenser unit intended for the cooling of the water (usually with glycol solution) in the industrial cooling water tank (ICWT - industrial cooling water tank is not included in this set and it must be purchased individually according to requirements of the customer). The iced water is then used to cooling of the beverage production tanks like fermenters or beer storage tanks and also to cooling other devices in the brewery. This equipment uses a special technical coolant intended to chilling systems that has to be filled and pressurized into the primary circuit only by qualified person. This… Baca lebih lajut "
  • GCU-40 : Unit pendingin eksternal 5.6-10.9 kW (untuk sistem pendingin terpisah)GCU-40 : Unit pendingin eksternal 5.6-10.9 kW (untuk sistem pendingin terpisah)
    The cooling condenser unit intended for the cooling of the water (usually with glycol solution) in the industrial cooling water tank (ICWT - industrial cooling water tank is not included in this set and it must be purchased individually according to requirements of the customer). The iced water is then used to cooling of the beverage production tanks like fermenters or beer storage tanks and also to cooling other devices in the brewery. This equipment uses a special technical coolant intended to chilling systems that has to be filled and pressurized into the primary circuit only by qualified person. This… Baca lebih lajut "
  • GCU-64 : Unit pendingin eksternal 9.9-19.4 kW (untuk sistem pendingin terpisah)GCU-64 : Unit pendingin eksternal 9.9-19.4 kW (untuk sistem pendingin terpisah)
    The cooling condenser unit intended for the cooling of the water (usually with glycol solution) in the industrial cooling water tank (ICWT - industrial cooling water tank is not included in this set and it must be purchased individually according to requirements of the customer). The iced water is then used to cooling of the beverage production tanks like fermenters or beer storage tanks and also to cooling other devices in the brewery. This equipment uses a special technical coolant intended to chilling systems that has to be filled and pressurized into the primary circuit only by qualified person. This… Baca lebih lajut "
  • GCU-80 : Unit pendingin eksternal 11.9-23.3 kW (untuk sistem pendingin terpisah)GCU-80 : Unit pendingin eksternal 11.9-23.3 kW (untuk sistem pendingin terpisah)
    The cooling condenser unit intended for the cooling of the water (usually with glycol solution) in the industrial cooling water tank (ICWT - industrial cooling water tank is not included in this set and it must be purchased individually according to requirements of the customer). The iced water is then used to cooling of the beverage production tanks like fermenters or beer storage tanks and also to cooling other devices in the brewery. This equipment uses a special technical coolant intended to chilling systems that has to be filled and pressurized into the primary circuit only by qualified person. This… Baca lebih lajut "
  • GCU-125 : Unit pendingin eksternal 17.9-35.0 kW (untuk sistem pendingin terpisah)GCU-125 : Unit pendingin eksternal 17.9-35.0 kW (untuk sistem pendingin terpisah)
    The cooling condenser unit intended for the cooling of the water (usually with glycol solution) in the industrial cooling water tank (ICWT - industrial cooling water tank is not included in this set and it must be purchased individually according to requirements of the customer). The iced water is then used to cooling of the beverage production tanks like fermenters or beer storage tanks and also to cooling other devices in the brewery. This equipment uses a special technical coolant intended to chilling systems that has to be filled and pressurized into the primary circuit only by qualified person. This… Baca lebih lajut "
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