Equipment for filling beer into the PET bottles

Fill beer into PET bottles for your customer directly in the bar


The simplest alternative is filling beer into PET bottles directly from the draught beer tower with special valves for filling PET bottles. To operate the filling valve is possible to use the same person who is working in the bar. Manipulation with the PET bottles is very easy. PET bottles are not necessary to wash or sanitize before filling, if they are stored in accordance with manufacturer’s recommendations.

ペット充填バルブバーテンダーは空き時間にバーのすぐ近くでペットボトルにビールを充填しており、充填されたボトルはバーのすぐ後ろの冷蔵庫に保管されます。 顧客は、バーテンダー、ウェイター、またはフロントで完成した瓶ビールを購入できます。

Bartender can also fill PET bottles in front of the customer. Draught beer filled in to a bottle in front of a customer will give the drink label of freshness, which customer appreciate at most. This method of selling goes without any storage space for filled bottles.


ペットボトルの充填機は通常、ビールを一度に XNUMX つ以上のペットボトルに充填するための XNUMX つ以上の充填コックで構成されています。


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