Manual bottle filler 30 to 60 bottles per hour

Fill beer to glass bottles with the simple bottle filler

Бфм-КСНУМКС-боттле-филлер-КСНУМКСSimple filler consists of one or several devices for filling glass bottles at 2 liters per minute.

After a worker unpacks empty bottles from the packaging, puts the bottle on filling tap, starts filling procedure and then takes full bottles closed with lids and stores them in selling boxes. All the bottles are washed and sanitized before filling.

Сви делови и причвршћивачи израђени су од хромираног месинга и нерђајућег челика. Ово ће повећати отпорност на хабање система и обезбедити максималну поузданост рада (уз истовремено осигуравање редовних поступака чишћења).

Operation procedure of the BFM-30 systems differs from a conventional beer tap as beer is dispensed in CO2 environment and CO2 supply to the bottle is needed. However, it just requires a 5-minute training for operators to understand the filling procedure. With practice it becomes only better and filling rate considerably increases. The normal filling rate is 45 seconds for 1.5 ltr bottle. No need to buy spare parts. A one-time expenditure for the purchase of the equipment is returned quickly and soon turns into profit.

Предности флаширања са БФМ-КСНУМКС

  • Negligible waste beer – BFM-30 uses a unique system that allows the user to determine the amount of foam. Therefore, the user can reduce the waste up to 2-0%, while 98-100% of the product runs from each keg.
  • Високе перформансе брзине – 2 liters per 60 seconds -BFM-30 manual system uses the same principle beer bottling as large factories around the world – the method of back pressure. This method ensures that the bottles are filled in the same manner that provides automatic filling machines only – no foam and speed two liters per sixty seconds.
  • Многе врсте боца – BFM-30 gives the user the ability to use a wide variety of sizes and shapes of bottles. This device meets the individual needs of each company.
  • Уштеда простора – BFM-30 is a compact system that is easy to install on any horizontal surface (table or bar in the brewery) – the needed space is only 350×350 mm, it adapts to every environment.
  • једноставно руковање – BFM-30 requires only a 15-minute training for each employee. The system works like a conventional beer tap, so you can easily use every right.


Equipment for the manual filling beverages into the bottles :

ВордПресс РСС Феед Ретриевер од Тхеме Масон