Пивоварни BREWORX LITE-ECO 300 - Ценова листа

Ценова листа: Микробуси BREWORX LITE-ECO 300

Серията микропивоварни BREWORX Lite-ECO BREWORX са фокусирани върху традиционните пивни пивоварни, произвеждащи бира от малцов екстракт, хмел и вода. В допълнение към удобството при експлоатация и високата функционалност, акцентът е поставен върху целенасочения дизайн на котела, който не съдържа нищо, което не би повлияло на ефективността на работата - това означава, че основните предимства са евтиното производство на бира и се постига ниска изкупна цена на машината за варене. Няколко разновидности на резервоари за ферментация и зреене, ръчен или автоматичен контрол на процесите на кипене, ферментация и зреене на пивната мъст при производството на бира.


BH BWLE 300 1000x700 01 - BREWORX LITE-ECO 300 пивоварни - Ценова листаCCT 2000 SQ HQ 800x800 - пивоварни BREWORX LITE-ECO 300 - Ценова листа


Микробуси BREWORX LITE-ECO 301 - с ферментатори обем 300 литра

Тези пивоварни са оборудвани с машина за варене на мъст BREWORX LITE-ECO 300 и набор от специални ферментатори под налягане с използваем обем 300 литри за ферментация и зреене на бира.

Производственият капацитет на пивоварните е от 225 до 900 хектолитра бира годишно.

  • Микропреработка BREWORX Lite-ECO 301-225Микропреработка BREWORX Lite-ECO 301-225
    Microbrewery type BREWORX LITE-ECO 301-225 with the wort brew machine BREWORX LITE-ECO 300 allows the production from 300 to 900 liters of beer per day. This configuration of the brewery includes set of tanks with production capacity up to 22,500 liters of beer produced using the on surface fermentation method or 13,500 liters of beer produced using the under bottom fermentation method per year – but only from beer malt concentrates, not from malt. Professional design of the brewhouse predetermines this brewery for luxury interiors of pubs, restaurants or hotels. Available control systems of the wort brew process : Manual control… Прочетете още "
  • Микропреработка BREWORX Lite-ECO 301-450Микропреработка BREWORX Lite-ECO 301-450
    Microbrewery type BREWORX LITE-ECO 301-450 with the wort brew machine BREWORX LITE-ECO 300 allows the production from 300 to 900 liters of beer per day. This configuration of the brewery includes set of tanks with production capacity up to 45,000 liters of beer produced using the on surface fermentation method or 27,000 liters of beer produced using the under bottom fermentation method per year – but only from beer malt concentrates, not from malt. Professional design of the brewhouse predetermines this brewery for luxury interiors of pubs, restaurants or hotels. Available control systems of the wort brew process : Manual control… Прочетете още "
  • Микропреработка BREWORX Lite-ECO 301-675Микропреработка BREWORX Lite-ECO 301-675
    Microbrewery type BREWORX LITE-ECO 301-675 with the wort brew machine BREWORX LITE-ECO 300 allows the production from 300 to 900 liters of beer per day. This configuration of the brewery includes set of tanks with production capacity up to 67,500 liters of beer produced using the on surface fermentation method or 40,500 liters of beer produced using the under bottom fermentation method per year – but only from beer malt concentrates, not from malt. Professional design of the brewhouse predetermines this brewery for luxury interiors of pubs, restaurants or hotels. Available control systems of the wort brew process : Manual control… Прочетете още "
  • Микропреработка BREWORX Lite-ECO 301-900Микропреработка BREWORX Lite-ECO 301-900
    Microbrewery type BREWORX LITE-ECO 301-900 with the wort brew machine BREWORX LITE-ECO 300 allows the production from 300 to 900 liters of beer per day. This configuration of the brewery includes set of tanks with production capacity up to 90,000 liters of beer produced using the on surface fermentation method or 54,000 liters of beer produced using the under bottom fermentation method per year – but only from beer malt concentrates, not from malt. Professional design of the brewhouse predetermines this brewery for luxury interiors of pubs, restaurants or hotels. Available control systems of the wort brew process : Manual control… Прочетете още "
WordPress RSS Feed Retriever от Тема Мейсън



Микробуси BREWORX LITE-ECO 302 - с ферментатори обем 600 литра

Тези пивоварни са оборудвани с машина за варене на мъст BREWORX LITE-ECO 300 и набор от специални ферментатори под налягане с използваем обем 600 литри за ферментация и зреене на бира.

Производственият капацитет на пивоварните е от 450 до 1800 хектолитра бира годишно.

  • Микропреработка BREWORX Lite-ECO 302-450Микропреработка BREWORX Lite-ECO 302-450
    Microbrewery type BREWORX LITE-ECO 302-450 with the wort brew machine BREWORX LITE-ECO 300 allows the production from 300 to 900 liters of beer per day. This configuration of the brewery includes set of tanks with production capacity up to 45,000 liters of beer produced using the on surface fermentation method or 27,000 liters of beer produced using the under bottom fermentation method per year – but only from beer malt concentrates, not from malt. Professional design of the brewhouse predetermines this brewery for luxury interiors of pubs, restaurants or hotels. Available control systems of the wort brew process : Manual control… Прочетете още "
  • Микропреработка BREWORX Lite-ECO 302-900Микропреработка BREWORX Lite-ECO 302-900
    Microbrewery type BREWORX LITE-ECO 302-900 with the wort brew machine BREWORX LITE-ECO 300 allows the production from 300 to 900 liters of beer per day. This configuration of the brewery includes set of tanks with production capacity up to 90,000 liters of beer produced using the on surface fermentation method or 54,000 liters of beer produced using the under bottom fermentation method per year – but only from beer malt concentrates, not from malt. Professional design of the brewhouse predetermines this brewery for luxury interiors of pubs, restaurants or hotels. Available control systems of the wort brew process : Manual control… Прочетете още "
  • Микропреработка BREWORX Lite-ECO 302-1350Микропреработка BREWORX Lite-ECO 302-1350
    Microbrewery type BREWORX LITE-ECO 302-1350 with the wort brew machine BREWORX LITE-ECO 300 allows the production from 300 to 900 liters of beer per day. This configuration of the brewery includes set of tanks with production capacity up to 135,000 liters of beer produced using the on surface fermentation method or 81,000 liters of beer produced using the under bottom fermentation method per year – but only from beer malt concentrates, not from malt. Professional design of the brewhouse predetermines this brewery for luxury interiors of pubs, restaurants or hotels. Available control systems of the wort brew process : Manual control… Прочетете още "
  • Микропреработка BREWORX Lite-ECO 302-1800Микропреработка BREWORX Lite-ECO 302-1800
    Microbrewery type BREWORX LITE-ECO 302-1800 with the wort brew machine BREWORX LITE-ECO 300 allows the production from 300 to 900 liters of beer per day. This configuration of the brewery includes set of tanks with production capacity up to 180,000 liters of beer produced using the on surface fermentation method or 108,000 liters of beer produced using the under bottom fermentation method per year – but only from beer malt concentrates, not from malt. Professional design of the brewhouse predetermines this brewery for luxury interiors of pubs, restaurants or hotels. Available control systems of the wort brew process : Manual control… Прочетете още "
WordPress RSS Feed Retriever от Тема Мейсън



Микробуси BREWORX LITE-ECO 303 - с ферментатори обем 1000 литра

Тези пивоварни са оборудвани с машина за варене на мъст BREWORX LITE-ECO 300 и набор от специални ферментатори под налягане с използваем обем 1000 литри за ферментация и зреене на бира.

Производственият капацитет на пивоварните е от 675 до 2700 хектолитра бира годишно.

  • Микропреработка BREWORX Lite-ECO 303-675Микропреработка BREWORX Lite-ECO 303-675
    Microbrewery type BREWORX LITE-ECO 303-675 with the wort brew machine BREWORX LITE-ECO 300 allows the production from 300 to 900 liters of beer per day. This configuration of the brewery includes set of tanks with production capacity up to 67,500 liters of beer produced using the on surface fermentation method or 40,500 liters of beer produced using the under bottom fermentation method per year – but only from beer malt concentrates, not from malt. Professional design of the brewhouse predetermines this brewery for luxury interiors of pubs, restaurants or hotels. Available control systems of the wort brew process : Manual control… Прочетете още "
  • Микропреработка BREWORX Lite-ECO 303-1350Микропреработка BREWORX Lite-ECO 303-1350
    Microbrewery type BREWORX LITE-ECO 303-1350 with the wort brew machine BREWORX LITE-ECO 300 allows the production from 300 to 900 liters of beer per day. This configuration of the brewery includes set of tanks with production capacity up to 135,000 liters of beer produced using the on surface fermentation method or 81,000 liters of beer produced using the under bottom fermentation method per year – but only from beer malt concentrates, not from malt. Professional design of the brewhouse predetermines this brewery for luxury interiors of pubs, restaurants or hotels. Available control systems of the wort brew process : Manual control… Прочетете още "
  • Микропреработка BREWORX Lite-ECO 303-2025Микропреработка BREWORX Lite-ECO 303-2025
    Microbrewery type BREWORX LITE-ECO 303-2025 with the wort brew machine BREWORX LITE-ECO 300 allows the production from 300 to 900 liters of beer per day. This configuration of the brewery includes set of tanks with production capacity up to 202,500 liters of beer produced using the on surface fermentation method or 121,500 liters of beer produced using the under bottom fermentation method per year – but only from beer malt concentrates, not from malt. Professional design of the brewhouse predetermines this brewery for luxury interiors of pubs, restaurants or hotels. Available control systems of the wort brew process : Manual control… Прочетете още "
  • Микропреработка BREWORX Lite-ECO 303-2700Микропреработка BREWORX Lite-ECO 303-2700
    Microbrewery type BREWORX LITE-ECO 303-2700 with the wort brew machine BREWORX LITE-ECO 300 allows the production from 300 to 900 liters of beer per day. This configuration of the brewery includes set of tanks with production capacity up to 270,000 liters of beer produced using the on surface fermentation method or 162,000 liters of beer produced using the under bottom fermentation method per year – but only from beer malt concentrates, not from malt. Professional design of the brewhouse predetermines this brewery for luxury interiors of pubs, restaurants or hotels. Available control systems of the wort brew process : Manual control… Прочетете още "
WordPress RSS Feed Retriever от Тема Мейсън


